Main and accessory buildings and uses permitted in Commercial-Manufacturing and Industrial Districts shall conform to the following performance standards as a condition precedent to their occupancies and use;
   (a)    All service and manufacturing operations shall be conducted wholly within enclosed structures and all raw materials, fuel, machinery and equipment, including trucks, used in the operation shall be enclosed within a structure or screened by a substantially solid wall or fence of such nature and height as to conceal all operations and materials therein from the view of any observer standing the grade level at the present Residential District line or public street; and
   (b)    Storage, handling and use of flammable liquids, lumber and other materials shall comply with Chapter 1501 of the Codified Ordinances and shall be accessible to fire-fighting equipment; and
   (c)    Solid waste resulting from all aforesaid operations shall be disposed of, stored in buildings, or enclosed within a wall or fence. Such disposal, storage or enclosure shall comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations. Solid wastes shall not be buried unless such method is approved by the Ohio EPA and a Permit to Install (PTI) has been issued. An environmental audit may be required by Planning Commission if the proposed improvements disturb land areas which may have been previously contaminated by on-site or liquid wastes; and,
   (d)    Liquid wastes or sewerage shall not be discharged into a reservoir, stream or other open body of water or into a storm or sanitary sewer unless treated or controlled so that the amount of solid substances, chemicals and pollutants shall not exceed the amount permitted by other codes of the State, County or City; and,
   (e)    Noxious, toxic or corrosive fumes or gases shall not be emitted which shall be injurious to the property, vegetation or health of the people residing in any adjacent Residential District; and
   (f)    Odorous gases or other odors matter and dust or other air borne material shall not be omitted in such quantities as to be offensive at the adjacent Residential District line; and
   (g)    Smokeless fuel shall be used for heating or other purposes; and
   (h)    Glare or heat from any process shall not be visible at the nearest Residential District; exterior lighting shall not produce a glare on public highways or adjacent Residential Districts; and
   (i)    Vibrations shall not be discernible to the human sense of feeling, except for not more than two minutes per hour from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the nearest Residential District; and
   (j)    Noise shall be muffled so as to not become objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness, and may equal but not exceed the average intensity of street traffic noise at the nearest Residential District line.
   (k)    Radioactive or electrical disturbances. Radioactive or electrical disturbances shall not adversely affect any form of life or equipment at or beyond the boundaries of the lot occupied by the use.
   (l)    Compliance with Federal and State environmental regulations. For any addition, alteration, or new construction where a zoning or building permit is required, the applicant may be asked to provide documentation that the existing facility and processes are in compliance with appropriate Federal and State Environmental Regulations prior to permit approval. Among those regulations for which documentation of compliance may be required include the following:
         •   Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
         •   Clean Water Act
         •   Clean Air Act
         •   Underground Storage Tanks (UST’s)
         •   Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA)
         •   Community Right to Know Act
            (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)