1315.10 INTENT. 
   Commercial-Manufacturing and Industrial Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)    To provide, in appropriate and convenient districts, sufficient areas for services, distribution and manufacture activities to achieve a strong and diverse economic base; and
   (b)    To provide locations for uses which are dependent upon significant truck traffic and rail service for the transportation of goods used in their operations.
   (c)    To provide Commercial-Manufacturing Districts for laboratories, wholesale business, services, storage and limited manufacturing; and
   (d)    To provide Industrial Districts for manufacturing and other services; and
   (e)    To prohibit dwellings of all types in Commercial-Manufacturing and Industrial Districts, thus protecting such areas from encroachment of residences, and at the same time preventing location of residences in areas of potential land use and environment conflicts; and
   (f)    To protect adjacent Resident Districts from objectionable influences inherent in industrial processes; and
   (g)    To regulate land development for Commercial-Manufacturing and Industrial uses in a manner that results in minimum disturbance to the natural environment, minimal degradation of air and water quality, and minimal impacts on the visual quality of the City, and
   (h)    To promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan.
      (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)