Minimum lot area and width requirements in Business Districts are established for the following specific permitted uses.
   (a)    The lot area requirements established for one-family, two family and multi-family dwellings in Residential Districts shall apply in an Office Building District.
   (b)    Each motel and hotel shall have a lot area of not less than 25,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 150 feet. Not more than one motel unit shall be permitted for each 1,200 square feet of lot area. Each unit shall have a floor area of not less than 320 feet.
   (c)    The method for determining the size of a motel or hotel room shall be as follows: Rooms that have an exterior wall shall be measured from the exterior face of the exterior wall to the centerline of the interior partition. All other rooms shall be measured from the centerline of interior partition to centerline of interior partition.
   (d)    Each gasoline service station shall have a lot area of not less than 15,000 square feet and a minimum frontage on each of two streets not less than 100 feet.
   (e)    Each auto wash established shall have a lot area of not less than 25,000 square feet and a minimum frontage on a dedicated street of not less than 100 feet, and such lot area and auto wash building shall provide sufficient area to contain spaces for sixty cars entirely within the premises. Each car space as provided herein shall be ten feet by 20 feet. (Ord. 1981-51. Passed 11-9-81.)