1313.10 INTENT.
   Office Building, Town Center and General Business Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among other purposes, the following:
   (a)    To provide in appropriate and convenient districts, sufficient areas for business activities, the exchange of goods and services; and
   (b)    To provide Office Building Districts for buildings in landscaped settings adjacent to residential neighborhoods, of such types as do not create large volumes of traffic; and
   (c)    To provide a Town Center District which enables the continuation of a mix of traditional uses in close proximity to new and renovated development with coordinated scale and site design in a portion of the Euclid Avenue corridor; and
   (d)    To provide General Business Districts which permit the location of businesses serving retail and service needs of the entire community; and
   (e)    To protect adjacent residential developments by restricting the types of uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which would create hazards, noise, glare, odors or other objectionable influences; and
   (f)   To protect both residential and business developments from congestion by requiring that access to lots served from State highways follow the general standards for access management stipulated in the Ohio Department of Transportation's "State Highway Access Manual" and by requiring adequate off-street parking and loading facilities; and
   (g)    To encourage the tendency of business to group in centers and with sufficient depth from the street to satisfy the needs of modern developments to the mutual advantage of customers and merchants; and
   (h)    To promote the most desirable land uses in accordance with a well-considered plan, to stabilize residential and business developments and to enhance values.
      (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)