Senior Residences Facilities may be conditionally permitted in a Private Recreation/Institution District through the process described at Chapter 1331 Conditional Use Permits. Senior residence facilities are designed to provide for the establishment of planned retirement communities with dwelling units supported by common facilities. The senior residence must be owner occupied. Senior Residence Facilities differ from adult care facilities in that adult care facilities, which are permitted by right in this district, provide personal care services to more than three adults. Personal care services including assisting residents with activities of daily living, assisting residents with self-administration of medications, and preparing special diets pursuant to instructions of a physician or licensed dietician.
(a) Principal Senior Residence Facilities Uses Conditionally Permitted:
(1) The senior/adult citizen means any person fifty-five years of age or older with or without a disability who must own and occupy the dwelling unit within the senior residence facilities.
(2) Private roads/or driveways providing safe and convenient access and circulation within the facility.
(3) Parking areas convenient to residence units designed with spaces to serve the needs of the disabled.
(b) Accessory Uses Conditionally Permitted in a Senior Residence Facility:
(1) Dining facilities for the use of senior citizens, their guests and employees of senior citizens facilities;
(2) Recreational and leisure facilities for use of senior citizens and their guests;
(3) Administrative, service and maintenance facilities;
(4) Convenience facilities, such as beauty and barber shop, gift shops, sundry shops and banking facilities for the use of resident and their guests only.
(c) Area and Density Requirements for Senior Residence Units.
(1) Apartments.
A. Each one-bedroom dwelling unit shall have a minimum living area of 350 square feet, exclusive of the area comprising any mechanical room and garage.
B. Each two-bedroom dwelling unit shall have a minimum living area of 650 square feet, exclusive of the area comprising any mechanical room and garage.
C. Each studio bedroom dwelling unit shall have a minimum living area of 350 feet, exclusive of the area comprising any mechanical room and garage.
(2) Cluster Units are defined for the purposes of this chapter as detached or attached single family dwelling units. An attached cluster dwelling unit may have common fireproof walls with each attached unit having two separate entries. No more than three individual living units may be clustered together utilizing common walls.
Cluster units shall provide the following minimum living area:
One story | 1,100 s.f. |
Two story | 1,320 s.f. |
(3) Health or Medical Facilities. The minimum floor area of a health facility or medical center shall conform to the requirements of the State Health Services Agency.
(4) Density. No retirement community project shall exceed a density of one dwelling unit per .08 acre or 12 units per gross acre of land
(5) Minimum Open Space. Senior Housing Facilities must provide a minimum open space area equal to thirty percent of the gross site area. Housing units shall be so arranged or clustered to provide convenient access to the required open space by residents of the community.
(d) Safety and Convenience Requirements. Each senior citizen residence project built within a Senior Residecnce Facility shall be designed in compliance with the requirements set by the Americans With Disabilities Act and its subsequent amendments and as a minimum, include, but shall not be limited to, the requirements of Use Group R-3 of the Ohio Building Code. Such housing shall include the following:
(1) Nonskid floors.
(2) Doors of sufficient width to accommodate wheelchairs.
(3) Electric outlets at levels at least twenty-four inches above the floor.
(4) Grab bars around bathtubs (where bathtubs are provided), showers and toilets.
(5) Handle-type spigots and doorknobs.
(6) Emergency signals, which ring in adjoining apartments or at a central location.
(e) Yard, Area, Height Requirements. Except as herein provided, yard, area and height requirements shall be regulated as set forth in the following:
(1) In a Senior Residecnce Facility, garages or other accessory buildings shall be located no less than fifty feet from a side or rear property line where such property line abuts a residential zoning district.
(2) Sideyard setbacks on sideyards adjoining non-residential uses shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet.
(3) Minimum front yard setback distances to buildings shall be no less than the average of the setback distances of the adjacent zoning districts or fifty feet, whichever is greater.
(4) Off-street parking shall, to the extent possible, be provided in a rear yard. Where parking is provided in a front yard, minimum front yard setback distance to parking and drives shall be at least twenty-five feet and shall include perimeter buffers as stipulated in Chapter 1321 of this Zoning Code.
(5) The minimum distance between any two apartment buildings shall be one hundred feet.
(6) The minimum distance between the sidewalls any two groups of attached cluster units or between a group of attached cluster units and a single family unit in the same development shall be thirty feet.
(7) The minimum distance between the rear walls of any two apartment buildings shall be ninety feet.
(8) The minimum distance between the rear walls of any two groups of attached cluster units, or between a group of attached cluster units and a single family unit in the same development shall be ninety feet.
(9) Minimum rear yard setback from an apartment building and an adjacent single family lot not in a Senior Residence Facility shall be one hundred fifty feet.
(10) Minimum rear yard setback to other buildings in this district to an adjacent non-residential district lot line shall be seventy feet.
(11) Minimum rear yard setback from any adjacent multi-family or nonresidential lot to parking lots and access drives shall be twenty-five feet and shall include perimeter buffers as stipulated in Chapter 1321 of this Zoning Code.
(f) Off-street Parking.
(2) No part of any required yard abutting a street and not more than fifty percent of any side or rear yard abutting a single-family residential district shall be used for vehicular parking.
(3) Each senior citizen residence project built within a Senior Residence Facility shall include the following off-street parking facilities:
A. For each two dwelling units, there shall be provided one open parking space.
B. For each seven dwelling units, there shall be provided one parking space for the use of guests.
C. For each nonresident employee on duty during maximum shift, there shall be one open parking space.
D. Open parking spaces shall be at least nine feet by twenty feet.
E. All off-street parking areas shall be lighted, drained, paved, and visually screened.
F. Off-street parking areas shall be located at least 200 feet from a public street.
(g) Walls, Fences, and Landscaping. Walls, fences and/or landscaping shall be required in compliance with Chapter 1321 of these Codified Ordinances. Planning Commission may require additional landscaping and buffering to the extent required to buffer adjacent properties from objectionable views and/or noise.
(h) Signs and Lighting.
(2) Exterior lighting shall be provided for safety and convenience of senior citizens and their guests and employees, but shall be placed in such manner and be of such illumination as not to cause annoying glare or reflection inside resident units, on neighboring premises or on public streets.
(i) Elevators and Emergency Equipment. Any building or development constructed within a Senior/Adult District as a resident building for senior citizens shall be in compliance with all Federal and State statutes and regulations applying specifically to housing for the elderly. In addition, thereto, any such building or development in excess of one story in height shall be serviced at least by one elevator, the cars of which shall be sufficiently large to accommodate emergency equipment normally used by the Police and Fire Divisions of the City, such as stretchers, inhalators and portable fire extinguishers. Such elevators shall have emergency provisions for power, the exact number, location, design, method of operation and maintenance of such elevators shall be prescribed by Ohio statutes, the Codified Ordinances or any technical code adopted thereby.
(j) Emergency Power Lighting. All senior citizens residence districts, consisting of apartment type dwellings or other buildings containing an elevator, shall provide an emergency electrical power system of sufficient capacity to provide for emergency lighting of corridors and other common areas and sufficient also to power all elevators, if any, therein, apartment type developments not containing an elevator therein shall have emergency power facilities for the purpose of lighting all corridors and other common areas.
(k) Variances and Minor Modifications. Planning Commission may permit reasonable variances and minor modifications from the strict interpretation of the provisions of this section upon specific findings that the variance or modification is:
(1) Necessary to prevent undue or unnecessary hardship.
(2) Not contrary to the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code.
(3) Will not adversely affect adjacent or neighboring properties.
(l) Site Plan. Applicants shall provide a site plan of the proposed development which illustrates compliance with planning standards, regulations and criteria established in this section. This site plan shall te developed at an appropriate scale and shall indicate all uses proposed, the location and arrangement of uses, and unless waived by Planning Commission as not being applicable, the following:
(1) Topography at two-foot or less intervals;
(2) The location and dimensions of property lines, easements, street right-of- ways, setbacks, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks and other pedestrian ways;
(3) A tree survey and vegetation preservation plan;
(4) The location of all structures in the development area to be removed and all structures lying outside the development area within 100' thereof;
(5) The location of all proposed structures and their uses;
(6) The location of water features, wetlands and other significant environmental site features;
(7) The location of site utilities;
(8) A landscape plan;
(9) Upon request of the City Engineer, a traffic survey indicating impact on adjacent intersections and street segments.
(10) The proposed forms of covenants running with the land, deed restrictions (including those with respect to the use of common land), conservation and utility easements to be recorded and proposed covenants for maintenance; and,
(11) Such other relevant information as the Planning Commission or City Engineer may require the evaluation of compliance with the letter and intent of these regulation.
(Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03; Ord. 2010-08. Passed 4-12-10.)