To accomplish the above purposes, these regulations seek:
   (a)    To divide the land within the corporate limits of the City of Wickliffe into districts of such number and dimensions as to foster a desirable pattern of relationships among residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses for the mutual benefit of all types of development.
   (b)    To prevent new construction, alteration or expansion of existing improvements not in compliance with the restrictions herein.
   (c)    To assure non-degradation and encourage preservation of environmental quality, natural habitat, and open spaces.
   (d)    To provide minimum standards for land improvement infrastructure such as water and sewer utilities, streets, and public facilities.
   (e)    To protect the character and values of residential, business, commercial manufacturing, industrial, institutional and public facilities, and to insure that their orderly development is beneficial to the City as a whole.
   (f)    To guide the future development of the City so as to bring about the gradual conformity of land and building uses in accordance with community and neighborhood plans and public policy.
   (g)    To accomplish the goals set forth in the introduction to the respective districts or groups of districts.
   (h)    To provide regulations and procedures for the administration, interpretation and amendment of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)