(a)    Maintenance. Nonconforming signs shall be maintained in good condition pursuant to Section 1161.07.
   (b)    Alteration and Removal.
      (l)    Nonconforming signs shall be removed and any subsequent modification or replacement, excluding maintenance pursuant to Section 1161.07(d)(4) shall conform to all requirements of this chapter:
         A.    When more than fifty percent (50%) of the value of the sign has been destroyed or has been taken down;
         B.    When the use which the nonconforming sign is accessory to is vacant for ninety consecutive days;
         C.    Freestanding signs and/or their supports shall not be located within the public right of way.
      (2)    A nonconforming sign shall be altered, modified or reconstructed to comply with this chapter:
         A.    When the existing use has new ownership which results in a change in the name of the use or business on the property; or
         B.    When the space is reoccupied by a similar use and the new occupancy requires no external building or site renovation; or
         C.    A new sign pursuant to subsection (b)(2)A. and B. hereof may be changed by replacing a sign panel or by repainting a sign face only. Such alterations shall not require changes to the structure, framing or erection, or relocation of the sign unless such changes conform to this chapter.
            (Ord. 2019-03. Passed 1-14-19.)