Upon the filing of the application and bond, if they are in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the Building Commissioner is hereby directed to issue to applicants who have given satisfactory proof of their knowledge of the essentials of the business in which they intend to engage, a license upon payment of the following fee:
For master plumber's license
For sewer tapper's license
For master plumber and sewer tapper's license issued to same applicant

   The license shall be for the term of one calendar year, commencing on January l and ending December 31, but may be renewed annually upon the payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The Building Commissioner is authorized to revoke any license where plumbing or sewer work is installed contrary to the ordinances of the City. Written notice of the revocation shall be served upon the holder of the revoked license at his last known place of residence, or if his residence is unknown, then at his residence address given in his application for the license.
(Ord. 1986-64. Passed 12-22-86.)