   The provisions appearing in this code, so far as they are the same as ordinances adopted prior to this code and included herein, shall be considered as continuations thereof and not as new enactments.
(2009 Code, § 10.20)
   No person shall tear or deface any of the city ordinances.
(2009 Code, § 10.21) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 10.22 CITY SEAL.
   (A)   There is hereby adopted a city seal, which is described as follows. The city seal is a round disc with a border; on top of the border, reading from left to right, are the words and initials “Seal of Whiteville, N.C.”, and immediately below those words and initials, still on the border, on either side, are two ties, or hands of tobacco, and directly on the bottom of the border is the date of the original incorporation of the city, “1833”; and in the center of the circle there is a reproduction of the Columbus County courthouse that is situated within the city, and the reproduction of the courthouse also shows a flag staff with the American flag flying at the head of the staff.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall be the custodian of the city seal, and shall affix the seal to all documents and instruments which, by law, are required to bear the seal when directed to do so by competent authority.
(2009 Code, § 10.22)
   Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of any section or division of this code of ordinances, for which no other penalty is provided, or failing, neglecting or refusing to comply with same, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed $50 or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, and each day that any of the provisions of this code of ordinances are violated shall constitute a separate offense.
(G.S. § 14-4(a)) (2009 Code, § 10.99)
Statutory reference:
   Enforcement of ordinances, see G.S. § 160A-175