(A)   The municipality shall provide notice to any person allowing conditions prohibited in §§ 93.051 through 93.052 of the alleged violation. Such notice may be in writing served upon such owner in person by an officer or employee of the municipality or may be by letter, by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to such owner at his or her postal address. If personal service is not feasible and the owner’s address not known, notice may be given by publishing a brief summary of the order two times within ten consecutive days in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. The notice shall describe the prohibited conditions and specify a period of not less than ten days from the date of receipt or publication of the notice in which the prohibited conditions are to be abated.
   (B)   If the conditions have not been abated by the date specified in the notice, the municipality may abate the conditions and may pay therefor and charge the expenses incurred in doing such work or having such work done or improvements made to the owner of such lot or real estate. If such work is done or improvements made at the expense of the municipality, such expense shall be assessed on the real estate or lot or lots upon which such expense was incurred.
   (C)   The doing of such work by the municipality shall not relieve the owner or occupant of the lot or premises from prosecution for failure to comply with such notice of violation cited in this section.
Penalty, see § 10.99
   Collection and disposal of garbage, trash, and other refuse, see Ch. 50
   Junked motor vehicles as nuisances, see §§ 95.1095.18
   Nuisances on private property, see §§ 94.3094.34