(A)   The owner of any dog or cat impounded may redeem such dog or cat at any time prior to the sale or destruction by the payment of an impounding fee as provided for in § 4.00 of the Fee Schedule set forth in Appendix 1 of this code. At any time after the expiration of the period of time for redemption of impounded dogs or cats as herein provided, the Animal Control Officer or any of his or her deputies or a police officer, without further notice or without advertising in any manner, shall sell at private sale or public auction any dog or cat not redeemed or reclaimed. All dogs or cats impounded and not redeemed, reclaimed, or sold after the period of time for redemption has expired shall be destroyed by the Animal Control Officer or any of his or her deputies or a police officer.
   (B)   The owner of any livestock, swine, or other animal impounded may redeem such animal at any time prior to sale or destruction by the payment of an impounding fee as provided for in § 4.00 of the Fee Schedule set forth in Appendix 1 of this code, plus any feeding or other expenses incurred during the impoundment.
   (C)   The disposition of any animals impounded on grounds of cruel or inhumane treatment shall be determined by the court of jurisdiction.
   (D)   It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer, or any of his or her deputies, or any police officer to pay all moneys collected under the terms of this chapter to the Municipal Secretary.
(Ord. 914, passed 10-14-04)