The exterior of all premises and every structure thereon and all surfaces thereof, shall be properly maintained in structurally sound and in good condition so as to be fit for human use, to achieve a presentable appearance, to avoid blighting effects on neighboring properties, and to be painted or protected where necessary for the purpose of preservation.
(a) Windows. Windows shall be fully supplied with window glass or an approved substitute which is glazed and is without open cracks or holes, shall have sashes in good condition which fit within frames, and be maintained so as to exclude adverse weather elements from entering the structure. Windows in dwellings shall be capable of being easily opened and held in position by hardware.
(b) Exterior Doors. Doors shall be maintained so as to be structurally sound, fit within frames so as to be weatherproof, windproof, and water-proof and be provided with door hinges and door latches which are in good working condition.
(c) Chimneys. The chimney of every structure shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair, free of loose, missing or deteriorated mortar and bricks, or other chimney building materials. Any such loose, missing or deteriorated mortar or bricks shall be refitted, replaced or repaired.
(d) Paint and Coating Materials. Except for materials that have been designed or manufactured to remain untreated, all exterior wood, composition or metal surfaces shall be protected from the elements by paint or other protective covering. Surfaces shall be maintained so as to be kept clean and free of flaking, loose or peeling paint or covering. Where the Enforcement Officer determines that any exterior wall segment, facing, or other distinguishable surface area has more than twenty-five (25) percent of its total area peeling, flaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorated, the said exterior wall segment, facing, or other distinguishable surface area, shall be surface-coated in its entirety. All paint and other coating materials shall be free of any lead or other dangerous substances banned from general use by authorized federal, state, county, or local regulatory agencies for health and safety reasons.
(e) Fences and Walls. All fences, retaining walls, or similar structures shall be anchored firmly in the ground, shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and maintained in that same manner so that such approved fences, retaining walls, or similar structures shall always be in the state of good structural repair. If any fence, retaining wall, or similar structure is found not to be in the state of good structural repair, it shall be removed, replaced, or repaired as required. Except when constructed of materials that have been designed or manufactured to remain untreated, all fences shall be treated periodically with paint or chemicals so as to retard deterioration.
(f) Traffic and Pedestrian Structures. Driveways, parking areas, and walks shall be maintained or so improved so as to provide for a durable, hard, dust free surface such as concrete, asphalt, or comparable material. All traffic markings such as directional arrows, lane division lines, parking space lines, stop signs, etc., shall be maintained so as to be clearly visible and easily recognized.
(g) Exterior Lighting Fixtures. Exterior lighting fixtures over steps, paths, walkways, courts, drives and parking lots shall be neatly maintained in operable condition and lighted for sufficient periods of time before and after business hours to provide for pedestrian and employee safety and properly aimed so as not to shine on adjacent properties (per local zoning regulation).
(h) Yards and Plant Materials. The exterior open space around each structure shall be maintained or so improved so as to provide for grass, plantings or other suitable ground cover to assure absorption of rainfall and prevent soil erosion which is or may become detrimental to the structures, lot use, or adjacent lots and structures.
(1) All yards, courts, and lots shall not evidence signs of neglect or general unsightliness and be kept free of noxious weeds, overgrown grasses, debris and other materials which may cause a fire, health or safety hazard. All grass, weeds or rank vegetation shall be periodically cut, subject to the Health, Safety, and Sanitation General Offenses Code, Section 521.11 (Cutting of Weeds and Grasses Required, including Adjacent Public Rights of Way).
(2) Plant materials, especially trees and shrubs, shall be removed or appropriately treated if afflicted with decay, disease, insect infestation, or otherwise considered dangerous to other plant material.
(i) Drainage. All portions of all premises shall be so graded that there is no pooling of water or recurrent entrance of water into any part of any building except where such pooling or retention of water is part of a plan approved by the Municipal Engineer or his designate. All condensate and waste cooling water shall be appropriately discharged into an approved drainage system.
(j) Drainage Swales. Swales are to be maintained by the owners of the parcels on which they are located, and at no time will anyone plant trees and/or shrubs or discharge, empty, or place any material fill or waste into any swale so as to impede or divert drainage flow. Small swales can be mowed as part of the yard. Larger swales in meadow situations should be mowed less frequently in order to allow grasses to grow taller to retard runoff and prevent erosion. Swales in woodland areas should be left in their natural condition leaving the understory growth to retard runoff and prevent erosion.
(k) Junk, Inoperable or Unlicensed Vehicle. No junk, inoperable, or unlicensed vehicle shall be located on any property, except when stored within a completely enclosed building or in a manner in conformance with the zoning code and Section 521.08 of the Health, Safety, and Sanitation General Offenses Code.
(l) Placement of Outdoor Refuse Storage Containers. Trash maintained outside an enclosed structure shall be stored in an approved outdoor refuse storage containers pursuant to Section 521.12 of the Health, Safety, and Sanitation General Offenses Code. All storage of trash and garbage containers and/or dumpsters shall be effectively screened from view in a manner approved by the Enforcement Officer behind the front building line (the front wall of the principal building) and shall be placed at the curb or authorized alley locations for pickup as authorized pursuant to Chapter 955 (Refuse Collection) of the Street, Utilities and Public Services Code, unless prior approval has been given by the Enforcement Officer.
(1) Bulk Items and Bags. If trash is of such nature that it cannot be put in regulation containers, it shall be stored in an enclosed area not visible to adjacent residential or commercial businesses and only placed at the curb or authorized alley locations in a bundle or bags as specified by the trash hauler.
(2) Dumpster. All buildings utilizing a dumpster for trash removal must locate the dumpster to the rear of the structure unless prior approval has been given by the Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. 10-2016. Passed 12-20-16.)