The city shall have the right to revoke or cancel this franchise for a substantial breach of any of the material terms and conditions of this franchise by the company. No such revocation shall be effective until the city has given the company written notice of the condition or omission which is the basis for the revocation. The company shall have sixty (60) days from the receipt of said written notice or such additional time as is reasonably necessary to correct the aforementioned condition or omission. If the company fails to correct said condition or omission, the city may, but is not required to, revoke this franchise in accordance with the procedures listed in section 15-1-12 of this chapter.
The company shall not be in violation of this franchise and no revocation shall be effected if the company is prevented from performing its duties and obligations or observing the terms and conditions of this franchise by an act of God, labor dispute, manufacturers' or contractors' inability to timely provide personnel or material, or other causes of like or different nature, collectively referred to as acts of God.
Upon the termination or expiration of this franchise, the company may enter upon the streets of the city for the purposes of removing therefrom its property and equipment. In removing its property, the company shall, at its own expense, leave the streets or other public property in as nearly as possible as good a condition as that prevailing immediately prior to the company's removal of its property. (Ord. A-408, 5-2-1982)