Restricted accessory parking areas may be established under the following circumstances:
   (a)   The land of the accessory parking lot and the land of the principal use shall be under the same ownership.
   (b)   Accessory parking lots for permitted uses in a zoning district shall lie within two hundred and fifty feet of the buildings in which they are designed to serve.
   (c)   An accessory parking lot serving a business established in a contiguous C-1, C-2, D-1, D-2, or D-3 District may be located in R-3, R-4, or EMO Districts. Such accessory parking shall be located within two hundred and fifty feet of the business which it serves.
   (d)   Proof shall be shown that the additional parking spaces are essential to the public interest as evidenced by a serious need for off-street parking facilities and as being not injurious to the area in which the lot is located. This is subject to the verification and approval by the Economic and Community Development Department.
   (e)   The parking spaces shall be used for parking two-axle vehicles only.
   (f)   Ingress and egress to the area shall be approved by the City Engineer.
   (g)   The parking spaces shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1355.
   (h)   Signs shall be permitted and regulated pursuant to Article 1355.