No person shall within the City or its police jurisdiction produce, sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, any milk or milk products which are adulterated, misbranded or ungraded, and which do not comply in every respect with the regulations of the West Virginia Board of Health adopted pursuant to West Virginia Code 16-7-5. No person elsewhere than in a private home shall have in his possession any adulterated, misbranded or ungraded milk or milk products. Any adulterated, misbranded or improperly labeled milk or milk products may be impounded by the Health Officer and disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the West Virginia Board of Health and the laws of the State.
(Ord. 2839. Passed 7-18-61.)
No person shall bring, send or receive into the City or its police jurisdiction, for sale or to sell or offer for sale therein or have in storage where milk or milk products are sold or served, any milk or milk products, who does not possess a permit from the Health Officer of the City. Every milk producer, milk hauler, milk distributor and operator of a milk plant, shall secure such a permit. Only a person who complies with this article and the regulations of the West Virginia Board of Health shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. Permits shall not be transferable with respect to persons or locations. Such a permit may be temporarily suspended by the Health Officer upon violation by the holder of this article or for interference with the Health Officer in the performance of his duties. A permit may be revoked by the Health Officer, after an opportunity for a hearing, upon serious or repeated violations.
(Ord. 2839. Passed 7-18-61.)
(Ord. 2839. Passed 7-18-61.)
The applicant for the permit required by Section 1105.02 shall be required to pay to the Health Officer a fee of two dollars ($2.00) annually for each such permit. All fees collected by the Health Officer shall be paid to the City Treasurer.
(Ord. 2839. Passed 7-18-61.)
(Ord. 2839. Passed 7-18-61.)