All bills shall be considered due and payable on or before the tenth day following the date rendered. All rates or charges billed, if not paid when due shall be a lien upon the premises served by the sewer system, and if such rates or charges are not paid within thirty days after due then the amount thereof, together with a penalty of ten percent (10%) and reasonable attorney's fees may be recovered by the Division of Water Pollution Control in a civil action in the name of the City, and in connection with such action the lien may be foreclosed against such lot, parcel of land or building in accordance with the laws relating thereto. In the event such rates or chargers billed are not paid within thirty days after due as aforesaid, the City or the Division, under reasonable rules and regulations established with respect to the taking of such action, may shut off and discontinue the furnishing of sewer service to any such user of the sewer system and refuse to again furnish service until such time as the user of the sewer system disconnected therefrom has paid all delinquent rates or charges billed, penalties, and reasonable cut-off and reconnection charges.
   The Division may create a fund from sewer revenues in such an amount as experience determines to be required to refund to users of the sewer system for overcharges as it may determine.
   In any case where upon investigation the Division determines that a user of the sewer system has not been properly charged or billed for sewer service it shall correct the charge and correct such billing and collect any difference.
(Ord. 2153. Passed 5-25-54.)