All persons seeking a permit for the construction, reconstruction, repair or alteration of any sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter shall file a written application with the Director of Public Works, which application shall state the name and address of the owners or agent in charge of the property abutting the proposed work area, the location of the work area, the name and address of the contractor or other person doing the work, the plans or sketches showing details of the proposed work, and such other information as the Director shall find reasonably necessary to determine whether a permit should issue to the applicant.
   Applications for curb cuts to provide for parking of vehicles will not be granted when the Public Works Director believes such request would harm existing public parking availability; or there is sufficient existing public parking availability; or the subject property is adjacent by the side or rear to an alley; or the location of the property; or the proposed curb cut, when reviewed, presents traffic and safety concerns. All applications for curb cuts are further subject to review by the Economic and Community Development Department and must conform with Article 1355 of the Codified Ordinances. Permits are issued accordance to the above as well as detailed in Article 905 - Street and Sidewalk Openings.
(Ord. 14385. Passed 11-7-12.)