A private swimming pool not including farm ponds, shall be any pool, lake or open tank not located within a completely enclosed building and containing or normally capable of containing water to a depth at any point greater than one and one-half feet. No such swimming pool, exclusive of portable swimming pools with a diameter less than twelve feet or with an area of less than one hundred square feet, shall be allowed in any “C” or “R” District except as an accessory use and unless it complies with the following conditions and requirements:
   (a)   The pool is intended and is to be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the principal use of the property on which it is located.
   (b)   It may not be located, including any walks or paved areas or accessory structure adjacent thereto, closer than six feet to a property line of the property on which located.
(Ord. 411. Passed 12-4-75.)
   (c)   The swimming pool, or the entire property on which it is located, shall be so walled or fenced so as to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or from adjacent properties. Said fence or wall to be not less than four feet in height and maintained in good condition, with a gate and lock. Said fence or wall does not apply to pools entirely above ground.
   (d)   See yard requirements Section 1145.03(a)(9).
      (Res. 2004-10. Passed 7-22-04.)