(A) The Town Board of Trustees may insure municipal property, as authorized by the state statutes. Any money received as a result of destruction, damages, or loss of such insured property shall be accounted for, and used as provided by said statutes.
(B) The Town Board of Trustees may purchase insurance to pay damages to persons sustaining injuries or damages to property as a result of negligent operation of motor vehicles or motorized equipment of the town.
(C) The Town Board of Trustees may provide hospital, health, and medical insurance, through any company authorized to do business in the state, for any or all of its officers or employees and their dependents, whether said officers or employees are engaged in governmental or non-governmental functions of the town. The Town Board of Trustees may pay a portion of all of said premiums from any municipal funds and may deduct from the wages or salary of any such officer or employee, upon written authority signed by the officer or employee, amounts for the payment of all or any portion of the monthly premium for same.
(Prior Code, Ch. 7, Art. 1, § 2)
(A) There is hereby created and established a Capital Improvements Fund for the town which shall not be subject to fiscal operations.
(B) The proceeds of said fund, together with any interest thereon, may, at the discretion of the Town Board of Trustees, be used for the following purposes only:
(1) To meet principal and interest requirements on general obligation bonds;
(2) When general obligation bond requirements are met, to make cash expenditures for capital improvements or equipment for street, electric, water, storm drainage, or sewer purposes; or
(3) Where transfers from said fund or any part thereof to a sinking fund or other appropriate municipal or trust fund are necessary to accomplish such purpose, the Town Board is authorized to make such transfer of funds.
(Prior Code, Ch. 7, Art. 1, § 3)
(A) The Board of Trustees, acting through the Mayor or Vice Mayor, is hereby authorized to make monetary donations not to exceed $100 to memorial funds or funds created for the benefit of surviving family members in those instances where town employee or personnel, resident of the town, or immediate family member of the town personnel dies in a tragic accident or under circumstances where the Mayor or Vice Mayor feels that such a monetary donation is appropriate. Said monetary donation shall be made from the General Fund. The Mayor and Vice Mayor are authorized to make donations under this section without prior Board approval.
(B) For the purposes of this section, TOWN EMPLOYEE OR PERSONNEL shall include police officers for the town or municipal authority, supervisors for the town or municipal authority, Department Heads for the town or municipal authority, trustees, full-time staff for the town or municipal authority, part-time staff for the town or municipal authority, the Municipal Judge, the Town Attorney, elected and appointed clerks of the town or municipal authority, and others if the Mayor or Vice Mayor feels that a monetary donation to such a person affiliated with the town or municipal authority is appropriate.
(Ord. 2023-01-01, passed 1-16-2023)