(a)   Program and Board. The Mayor or persons assigned by him or her shall be responsible for implementing a sound personnel program for the City. There shall be a personnel board consisting of three members appointed by the Council for terms of three years from among the qualified voters of the City. Members of the board shall hold no other Municipal position for which they receive monetary compensation. The Mayor shall provide necessary staff assistance for the personnel board.
   (b)   Personnel Rules. The Mayor shall prepare personnel rules and shall refer them to the personnel board which shall report to the Council its recommendations thereon. Council shall approve the same by enacting an ordinance adopting them, with or without amendment. These rules shall provide for:
      (1)   The classification of all City positions, based on the duties, authority and responsibility of each position, with adequate provision for reclassification of any position whenever warranted by changed circumstances;
      (2)   A pay plan for all City positions;
      (3)   Methods for determining the merit and fitness of candidates for appointment or promotion;
      (4)   The policies and procedures regulating reduction in work force and removal of employees;
      (5)   The hours of work, attendance regulations and provisions for sick and vacation leave;
      (6)   The policies and procedures governing persons holding provisional appointments;
      (7)   The policies and procedures governing relationships with employee organizations;
      (8)   Policies regarding in-service training programs;
      (9)   Grievance procedures, including procedures for the hearing of grievances by the personnel board, which may render advisory opinions based on its findings to the Council with a copy to the aggrieved employee; and
      (10)   Other practices and procedures necessary to the administration of the City personnel system.