Art. 501. Administration and Law Enforcement.
Art. 505. Animals and Fowl.
Art. 509. Disorderly Conduct and Peace Disturbance.
Art. 513. Gambling.
Art. 517. Indecency and Obscenity.
Art. 521. Liquor Control.
Art. 525. Minors.
Art. 526. Parking of Motor Vehicles and Other Personal Property.
Art. 529. Offenses Relating to Persons.
Art. 533. Offenses Relating to Property.
Art. 541. Railroads.
Art. 545. Weapons and Explosives.
Art. 547. Worthless Checks.
Art. 548. All Terrain Vehicles.
Art. 549. Fraudulently Obtaining Food or Lodging.
Art. 550. Drug and Gang Houses, Houses of Prostitution and
Other Disorderly Houses.