(a)   All owners of property abutting upon a public street where there is a sidewalk shall keep the sidewalk in good repair so as to minimize public or private liability. Any concrete sidewalk which is broken or deteriorated to the extent of needing repair shall be repaired by replacing the entire block or section thereof and not by surface patching.
   (b)   The Mayor on his own initiative may or upon direction of Council shall require any such property owner to make needed repairs by having served upon such owner a notice as provided by Section 905.08. Each thirty day period during which the owner fails to comply with the provisions hereof shall constitute a separate violation.
   (c)   When deemed proper by the Mayor, he may cause the repairs to be made either by the City employees or by an independent contractor and assess the cost thereof as a lien against the property as provided in Section 905.09.
(Passed 1-12-87.)