(a)    Maintaining public areas of the premises in a clean and sanitary condition; keeping floors, floor coverings, walls and ceilings reasonably clean and free of rubbish and garbage; and ensuring that stagnant water is not allowed to accumulate or stand anywhere on the premises.
                        TWENTY (20) DAYS TO CORRECT
   (b)   Exterminating rodents, insects and other pests when the infestation is caused by failure to maintain the dwelling in a rodent-proof or reasonably insect-proof condition, or whenever the infestation exists in two (2) or more of the dwelling units or in the shared or public parts of the dwelling or premises.             TWENTY (20) DAYS TO CORRECT
   (c)    Supply property sized type S fuse stats at the beginning of each tenancy.
   (d)   Arranging for the removal of snow and ice from walks, drives and stairs.
   (e)    Owner shall supply such facilities or containers as are necessary for the sanitary disposal of all garbage and rubbish.
   (f)    Fulfilling the minimum health and safety standards of this article unless specifically stated to be the occupant's responsibility.
(Ord. 513. Passed 10-3-22.)