1752.21 FIRE SAFETY.
   (a)    Smoke detectors of an approved type shall be provided in all rental housing.
                        TWENTY (20) DAYS TO CORRECT
   (b)   Smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1701 of the Westover City Municipal Code.          TWENTY (20) DAYS TO CORRECT
   (c)    Every dwelling unit shall be provided with access to not less than two (2) exits remote from each other which exit directly to the outside. Where no more than one means of egress to the outside exists from the second or higher story other than by means of windows and such window is more than ten (10) feet from the ground, a fire escape shall be provided with access from each dwelling unit. The fire escape may be an outside stairway or a metal ladder that is either stationary or one that can be clamped over an open window or a safe alternative providing that there exists no more than one free fall and that the free fall is to the ground level and is no more than ten (10) feet in height.(Ord. 531. Passed 10-3-22.)
                        TWENTY (20) DAYS TO CORRECT