(a)    Other Laws.
      (1)   This article is not intended to abrogate any of the rights and responsibilities normally ascribed to the tenant or the landlord under the laws of West Virginia whether set out by case law or by the West Virginia Code or any other applicable.
      (2)   The minimum requirements of this article may not be waived, either intentionally or impliedly, by either party to a rental agreement.
      (3)   Violation of this article shall constitute a misdemeanor and any person violating the article shall be subject to the penalties stated in this article and provided by law.
      (4)   If any provision of these regulations or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of these regulations which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions or this article are declared to be severable.
   (b)   Other Codes and Ordinances; Regulations.
      (1)   This article is in addition to all housing requirements of other City Ordinances, and the law of the State, as the case may be.
      (2)   The Building Official shall prepare and maintain any and all forms and regulations necessary and convenient to the administration of this article. All regulations shall be reduced to writing, signed by the Building Official, dated, and delivered to the City Clerk for retention with the records of the City. The current forms and regulations shall be available to the public from the office of the Building Official. (Ord. 531. Passed 10-3-22.)