The following words shall have the meanings given:
Dwelling means any house, building, or mobile home or portion thereof intended to be occupied as the place of habitation of human beings, either permanently or transiently, but excluding hotel, bed and breakfast establishments, and similar businesses catering to travelers. State-licensed health and custodial facilities are excluded.
Dwelling unit means one or more rooms intended to be occupied for living purposes by an individual or group of individuals as a single residence for individual or group of individuals.
Housing Inspector means the Building Official of the City, and any employee of the City designated to perform inspections for compliance with this article or Building Code.
Inspection report means a document issued by the Housing Inspector to show that the premises have been inspected, the date and time of such inspection and setting time periods for rectification of deficiencies noted.
Letter of compliance means a document issued by the Housing Inspector Indicating the subject inspection found the premises to be in substantial compliance with this article on the date of inspection and enclosing a copy of the Inspection report.
Occupant means any person living, sleeping, cooking or eating in, or having actual possession of a dwelling unit.
Operator means any person, including the owner, who has charge, care or control of a building including one or more rental dwelling units.
Owner means any person who alone, jointly or as tenant in common with others, has legal or equitable title to any dwelling unit with or without accompanying actual possession thereof. For the purposes of this article, "owner” includes an agent of the owner empowered by the owner to act on the conditions or under the circumstances in question.
Owner-occupied single-family dwelling means any townhouse, condominium or detached dwelling that is occupied as a dwelling by the owner. It is one dwelling unit even if no more than two roomers occupy one bedroom of the dwelling.
Person means a natural person, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns and also a firm, partnership or corporation and its, or their, successors or assigns.
Premises means a lot and its buildings and other improvements.
Rent means payment of money, goods, labor, service or otherwise for use of a dwelling.
Tenant means an occupant of a rental dwelling unit who has signed a lease or made a verbal contract exceeding a seven consecutive day commitment.
   (Ord. 531. Passed 10-3-22.)