(a)   Purpose. The documents to be submitted are intended to provide the approving authority with sufficient information and data to assure compliance with all municipal codes and specifications and ensure that the proposed development meets the design and improvement standards contained in this ordinance. The specification of documents to be submitted is based on the type of development and particular stage of development application.
   (b)   Minor Subdivision Plat. The sketch plat submitted shall be based on tax map information or some other similarly accurate base map. The map shall be of an appropriate scale with a maximum of 200 feet of the inch. It should be on paper of an appropriate size, no larger than the standard twenty-two and one-half (22 ½) by eighteen (18) inches sheets and shall show the information listed below. The image area of the standard sheet shall be no more than twenty and one-half (20 ½) inches by sixteen and one-half (16 ½) inches. There shall be a one and one-half (1 ½) inch margin on the left side of the sheet(s). The plat submission shall be made on as many separate exhibit sheets as are necessary for the information to be clearly legible.
      (1)   The words “sketch plat,” the proposed name of the subdivision, the words “City of Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia,” date, true north point, graphic scale, and names and addresses of the record owner(s), subdivider(s), and person(s) responsible for the preparation of the sketch plat.
      (2)   A vicinity sketch or key map at a scale of 800 feet to the inch shall be shown on the preliminary plat. This map shall show the boundaries of the subdivision in relation to the surrounding streets, properties, subdivisions, and community facilities that may serve it.
      (3)   All existing permanent structures or buildings, railways, fences, walls, rock outcrops, wooded areas, streams, watercourses, wetlands, and other significant existing physical features within the property to be subdivided and within 100 feet of the property line.
      (4)   All areas where the ground slope equals or exceeds fifteen percent (15%), to be shown as shaded or cross-hatched areas.
      (5)   Approximate locations of floodways, floodway fringes, and special flood hazard areas as shown on the official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, if applicable.
      (6)   Names of all properties immediately adjacent and names of owners of all adjacent properties as disclosed by the most recent tax records.
      (7)   The tax map sheet, block, and lot numbers.
      (8)   All streets that are mapped or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
      (9)   The proposed layout, including pattern of lots (with approximate dimensions and area of each lot).
   (c)   Presubmission (Sketch Plat) Requirements for Major Subdivision. The sketch plat submitted shall be based on tax map information or some other similarly accurate base map. The map shall be at a scale of 200 feet to the inch on standard twenty-two and one-half by eighteen inches sheets and shall show the information listed below. The image area of the standard sheet shall be no more than twenty and one-half inches by sixteen and one-half inches. There shall be a one and one-half inch margin on the left side of the sheet(s). The plat submission shall be made on as many separate exhibit sheets as are necessary for the information to be clearly legible.
      (1)   The words “sketch plat,” the proposed name of the subdivision, the words “City of Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia,” date, true north point, graphic scale, and names and addresses of the record owner(s), subdivider(s), and person(s) responsible for the preparation of the sketch plat.
      (2)   A vicinity sketch or key map at a scale of 800 feet to the inch shall be shown on the preliminary plat. This map shall show the boundaries of the subdivision in relation to the surrounding streets, properties, subdivisions, and community facilities that may serve it.
      (3)   All existing permanent structures or buildings, railways, fences, walls, rock outcrops, wooded areas, streams, watercourses, wetlands, and other significant existing physical features within the property to be subdivided and within 100 feet of the property line.
      (4)   All areas where the ground slope equals or exceeds 15 percent, to be shown as shaded or cross-hatched areas.
      (5)   Approximate locations of floodways, floodway fringes, and special flood hazard areas as shown on the official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
      (6)   If the proposed subdivision is to be filed in sections, delineation of such sections.
      (7)   Names of all properties immediately adjacent and names of owners of all adjacent properties as disclosed by the most recent tax records.
      (8)   The tax map sheet, block, and lot numbers.
      (9)   The zoning district(s) in which the property is located.
      (10)   All existing restrictions on the use of the property.
      (11)   All streets that are mapped or built within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision.
      (12)   The proposed layout, including pattern of lots (with approximate dimensions and area of each lot), streets, and recreation areas.
      (13)   A schematic layout shown in line diagram of proposed systems for drainage, public sewerage, and public water supply.
   (d)   Preliminary Plat Requirements for Major Subdivisions. The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of fifty feet to the inch on standard twenty-two and one-half by eighteen inches sheets. The image area of the standard sheet shall be no more than twenty and one-half inches by sixteen and one-half inches. There shall be a one and one-half inch margin on the left side of the sheet(s) and a margin of no more than one inch on the three remaining sides. The plat submission shall be made on as many separate exhibit sheets as are necessary for the information to be clearly legible. There shall be a margin for binding of one and one-half inches outside of the border along the left side. When more than one sheet is required, an additional index sheet on the same size shall be filed showing to scale and legible the entire subdivision.
      (1)   The words “preliminary plat,” the proposed name of the subdivision, the words “City of Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia,” date (including revision dates, if any), true north point, graphic scale, and names and addresses of the record owner(s), subdivider(s), and the professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, and certified professional planner, licensed to practice in the state of West Virginia, if applicable, responsible for the preparation of the sketch plan.
      (2)   All information required above in Presubmission (Sketch Plat) Requirements.
      (3)   Boundary line of the proposed subdivision, the lot line, street right-of-way lines, parcels of land to be dedicated or reserved to public use, setback lines, easements and other property lines, drawn to scale and with tentative dimensions.
      (4)   Draft of protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed development.
      (5)   Contours at intervals of one or two feet, whichever is the most reasonable given the site topography, referred to sea level datum.
      (6)   Existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water lines (mains), fire hydrants, culverts, drainage structures or other underground structures, with pipe sizes and locations indicated. Separate detail sheets shall be provided for relevant city departments.
      (7)   Tentative profiles of streets, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers.
   (e)   Final Plat Requirements for Major Subdivisions.   The final plat, also known as the set of maps, shall be printed, inked, drawn, or photographed; it shall not be photocopied or otherwise reproduced in a medium that loses its clarity and legibility over time. The final plat medium shall be acceptable to the City Code Enforcement Officer and the County Clerk. The final plat shall be at a scale of fifty (50) feet to the inch on standard twenty-two and one-half (22 ½) by eighteen (18) inches sheets. The image area of the standard sheet shall be no more than twenty and one-half (20 ½) inches by sixteen and one-half (16 ½) inches. There shall be a one and one-half (1 ½) inch margin on the left side of the sheet(s) and a margin of no more than one (1) inch on the three remaining sides. The plat submission shall be made on as many separate exhibit sheets as are necessary for the information to be clearly legible. When more than one sheet is required, an additional index sheet of the same size shall be filed showing to scale and legibly the entire subdivision. The final plat shall show in final form all information required above in preliminary plat and in addition shall provide the following information in the final form:
      (1)   The words “final subdivision plat,” the proposed name of the subdivision, the words “City of Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia,” date (including revision dates, if any), true north point, graphic scale, and names and addresses of the record owner(s), subdivider(s), and the name, address, and seal of the professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, and certified professional planner, licensed to practice in the state of West Virginia, if applicable, responsible for the preparation of the sketch plan.
      (2)   Grading plan.
      (3)   Erosion and sedimentation control plan. This shall include a tree and landscape preservation plan.
      (4)   Storm drainage facilities plan and public water supply and sewerage facilities plan. This shall include the final locations, as constructed, of all storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines, including service lines to each property line. All locations shall be referenced to the property line. Certificates of approval of the storm sewer, sanitary sewers and sewage disposal system from the Board of Health of the State, the County Health Department, the City, and the Morgantown Utility Board, as required.
      (5)   Boundary lines of the subdivision based on an actual field survey made and certified by a licensed land surveyor, with complete descriptive bearings and distances.
      (6)   The proposed lot lines with dimensions and area of each lot and building setback lines.
      (7)   The final layout, location, name, width, edges of pavement (curb lines), right-of-way lines, length of arcs, radii, internal angles, points of curvature, and length and bearing of all tangents and chords of all proposed streets or public ways.
      (8)   Dimensions and location of all paving, curbs and public sidewalks.
      (9)   Final grades and profiles of all streets and sewers.
      (10)   Location and dimensions of all easements required for construction, operation, and maintenance of proposed public improvements and locations of all points where rights to discharge storm water onto adjacent properties will be required.
      (11)   Location, dimension, and area of all parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and conditions of such dedication.
      (12)   Notations concerning all underground electric, telecommunication wires (i.e., telephone, cable television, broadband internet, etc.) wires, and conduits.
      (13)   Location of all proposed sidewalks.
      (14)   Final text of protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the subdivision. This is to include protective covenants required in cases where two off-street parking spaces are being provided for each dwelling unit.
      (15)   Monuments. Permanent markers shall be placed at all corners where permanent corners do not exist, if practical; otherwise as directed by the Code Enforcement Officer. These shall be permanent markers made of concrete at least two (2) feet long and six (6) inches square or six (6) inches in diameter, with appropriate markings on top. All monuments erected, corners, and other points established in the field in their proper places shall be shown on the subdivision plat, with location and description noted.
      (16)   If the application covers only a part of the subdivider’s entire holding, a map of the entire tract, drawn at a scale of not more than 400 feet to the inch, showing an outline of the platted area with its proposed streets and indication of the probable future street system with its grades and drainage in the remaining portion of the tract and the probable future drainage layout of the entire tract shall be submitted. The part of the subdivider’s entire holding submitted shall be considered in the light of the entire holding.
   (f)   The following two certificates must be labeled and completed on the final plat:
“On this, the (day)              day of (month)              , (year)           , before me the undersigned, personally appeared (name of applicant)                                                     , who being duly sworn according to law, deposed and says that he is the                        (1)                of the property shown on the plan, that the subdivision plat thereof was made at his/its direction, that he acknowledges the same to be his/its act and plat                   (2) , and that all streets                    (3)                     shown and not heretofore dedicated to the public                 (4)                       (5)                   (6)                  (7)                  (8)               (9).
My commission expires:
      (1)   Insert either: owner or president of the corporation which is the owner.
      (2)   Whenever applicable, insert: and desires the same to be recorded as such according to law.
      (3)   Whenever applicable: and open spaces so labeled with proposed use.
      (4)   If necessary, insert: except those labeled “not for dedication,”.
      (5)   When necessary, signature of secretary of corporation.
      (6)   Signature of individual, partners or corporation president.
      (7)   Corporate seal.
      (8)   Signature.
      (9)   Seal of Notary Public or other officer.
“I hereby certify that I am a Civil Engineer/Surveyor registered professionally to practice in the State of West Virginia and that this plat is, in all respects, correct and was prepared from an actual survey completed by me on                     ,          .
Signed                                                           .
Reg. No.                                   .
   (g)   Before the bond may be released, the following certifications shall be made:
      (1)   The City Code Enforcement Officer shall certify that all improvements have been constructed in accordance with the standard specifications of the City;
      (2)   All persons having a security interest in the subdivision property shall endorse the plat that they are subordinating their liens to all covenants, servitudes, and easements imposed on the property.
   (h)   Construction Plans. Construction plans, also know as detail sheets, shall be prepared for all required improvements, following approval of the final plat and shall be submitted to the City Code Enforcement Officer for review and approval. The City Code Enforcement Officer shall, within thirty days of the receipt of a complete set of construction plans, approve or disapprove the submission. Plans shall be drawn at a scale of no more than fifty feet to one inch. Map sheets shall be of the same standard-size as the final plat. As-built drawings shall be filed with the City. The following shall be shown on the construction plans:
      (1)   Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along center lines of all roads. Where a proposed road intersects an existing road or roads, the elevation along the center line of the existing road or roads within one hundred (100) feet of the intersection, shall be shown. Approximate radii of all curves, lengths of tangents, and central angles on all streets shall be shown.
      (2)   Plans and profiles showing the locations and typical cross-section of street pavements including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drainage easements, servitudes, rights-of-way, manholes, culverts, bridges, and catch basins; the locations of the street trees, street lighting standards, and street signs; the location, size, and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm water drains, and fire hydrants, showing connection to any existing or proposed utility systems; and exact location and size of all water, gas, or other underground utilities or structures.
      (3)   Location, size, elevation, and other appropriate descriptions of any existing, facilities or utilities, including existing streets, sewers, drains, water mains, easements, water bodies, streams, and other pertinent features such as swamps, railroads, buildings, and features noted on the Official Map or Comprehensive Plan, at the point of connection to proposed facilities and utilities within the subdivision. The water elevations of adjoining lakes, ponds, rivers, or streams at the date of the survey, and the approximate high- and low-water elevations of such waterbodies or watercourse. All elevations shall be referred to the U.S.G.S datum plane. If the subdivision borders a lake, pond, river, or stream, the distances and bearings of a meander line established not less than twenty feet back from the ordinary high-water mark of such waterways.
      (4)   Topography at the same scale and contour interval as the preliminary plat, to sea-level datum. The datum provided shall be the latest applicable U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey datum and should be so noted on the plat.
      (5)   All specifications and references required by the City’s construction standards and specifications, including a site-grading for the entire subdivision.
      (6)   Notation of approval as follows:
Owners Date
Planning Commission President Date
      (7)   Title, name, address, and signature of professional engineer and surveyor, and revision dates.
(Ord. 494. Passed 12-7-20.)