133.01 FOIA FEES.
   (a)   The following fees shall be charged for requests made under the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act:
      (1)   Copy of minutes of prior meeting:
            $.25 per page
      (2)   Copy of document requiring less than one hour search:
            $.25 per page
      (3)   Copy of document or documents requiring more than one hour search:
$.25 per page plus $10.00 per hour of actual search time (first hour search - no charge)
      (4)   Copy of cassette tape - $2.00 each
      (5)   Copy of videotape - $10.00 each
      (6)   Copy of Compact disk - $15.00 each
   (b)   The fees shall be effective on the day after adoption of the ordinance.
(Ord. 285. Passed 3-7-05.)