(a) Towers shall be separated from all residentially zoned lands and all residences (regardless of zoning classification) by a minimum distance equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the height of the proposed tower.
(b) Tower separation distances for the purpose of compliance with this article shall be measured from the base of a tower to the closest point of a designated area. The minimum tower separation distance shall be calculated and applied regardless of City and county jurisdictional boundaries.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)
Measurement of tower height for the purpose of determining compliance with all requirements of this article shall include the tower structure itself, the base laid, and any other telecommunications facilities attached thereto which extend over the top of the tower structure itself. Tower height shall be measured from grade.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)
Towers shall not be artificially lighted except as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”). Upon commencement of construction of a tower, in cases where there are residential uses located within a distance equal to the height of the tower from the tower, and when required by Federal Law, dual mode lighting shall be requested from the FAA.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)
All landscaping on parcels containing towers, antenna support structures, or telecommunications facilities shall be designed to screen the tower, antenna support structure, and telecommunications facilities to a height of at least six feet from garde. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Inspections Division if the base of the tower and facilities to be screened are not located in and not visible from any business or residential districts or visible from public streets. All landscaping must be continually maintained in a healthy and attractive manner.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)
(a) All towers shall be certified by an engineer to be structurally sound and in conformance with the requirements of the City Building Code and all other construction standards set forth by the City Code and Federal and State Law. For new monopole towers, such certifications shall be submitted with an application pursuant to Section 1325.04(e) and every five years thereafter; for existing monopole towers, such certification shall be submitted within sixty days of the effective date of this article and then every five years thereafter; for new lattice or guyed towers, such certification shall be submitted with an application pursuant to Section 1325.04(e) and every two years thereafter; and for existing lattice or guyed towers, such certification shall be submitted within sixty days of the effective date of this article and then every two years thereafter. The tower owner may be required by the City to submit more frequent certifications should there be reason to believe that the structural and electrical integrity of the tower is jeopardized.
(b) The City and its agents shall have authority to enter onto the property upon which the tower is located, between the inspections and certifications required above, to insect the tower for the purpose of determining whether it complies with the statewide Building Code and all other construction standards provided by the City Code and Federal and State Law.
(c) The City reserves the right to conduct such reasonable and necessary inspections, upon reasonable notice to the tower owner. All expenses by the City related to such inspections shall be borne by the tower owner if any unresolved defects exist.
(d) The tower or telecommunications facilities owner shall certify to the City on an annual basis that it is in compliance with all of the requirements of this article, including the requirements set forth in Section 1325.16.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)
(a) Tower owners shall at all time employ ordinary and reasonable care and shall install and maintain in use nothing less than commonly accepted methods and devices for preventing failures and accidents which are likely to cause damage, injuries, or nuisances to the public.
(b) Tower owners shall install and maintain towers, telecommunications facilities, wires, cables, fixtures and other equipment in substantial compliance with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code and all FCC, State, and local regulations, and in such manner that will not interfere with the use of other property.
(c) All towers, telecommunications facilities, and antenna support structures shall at all times be kept and maintained in good condition, order, and repair so that the same shall not menace or endanger the life or property of any person.
(d) All telecommunications facilities shall maintain compliance with current radio frequency emission standards of the FCC.
(e) In the event the use of a tower is discontinued by the tower owner, or in the event a tower owner files notice of the FCC of its interest to cease operating, the tower owner shall provide written notice to the City of its intent to discontinue use and the date when the use shall be discontinued.
(Ord. 318. Passed 2-4-08.)