(a)   Definition. A street clock as regulated by this section means any timepiece erected upon a standard upon the sidewalk, or on the exterior of any building or structure for the convenience of the public and placed and maintained by some person for the purpose of advertising his place of business.
   (b)   Construction.
      (1)   All street clocks as herein defined shall be constructed of incombustible material, including the frames, braces and supports thereof.
      (2)   The dial of such clocks shall not be less than thirty inches nor more than forty inches in diameter.
      (3)   Any glass forming a part of a clock or the sign thereon shall be safety glass or plate glass at least one-fourth of an inch thick, and in case any single piece or pane of glass has an area exceeding three square feet, it shall be constructed of wired glass, securely held in place.
      (4)   Any movable part of a street clock, that is, a cover or service opening, shall be securely fastened by metal hinges.
   (c)   Location.
      (1)   Clocks supported on the corner of any building or structure at the intersection of two streets shall not be less than fifteen feet nor more than twenty feet above the sidewalk, and shall not project from the face or wall of the building or structure, in any direction, more than five feet.
      (2)   Every clock erected on the sidewalk shall be supported upon a post of ornamental design, the total height of which shall be not less than fifteen feet, shall be not more than twenty inches from the outer edge of the curb, and shall be at least twenty feet from the point of intersection of the lines of any street, measured parallel with the street.
   (d)   Erection.
      (1)   Clocks erected on walls. All clocks erected on the exterior of any building or structure shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section 1741.15 regulating wall signs, or Section 1741.17 regulating projecting signs, in all respects concerning erection, whichever applies.
      (2)   Wind pressure and dead load requirements. All street clocks, whether erected on exterior walls or on the sidewalks, shall comply with the requirements of Section 1741.08 of this chapter.
   (e)   Limitation on Permits for Clocks on Sidewalks. Any person erecting a street clock on any public sidewalk shall obtain the special written permission of Council in addition to all other permits required hereunder.
   (f)   Limitation on Permits Generally. No person shall be permitted to erect more than one street clock as herein defined for any place of business at any one location.
   (g)   Advertising Permitted. Only the name of the owner, proprietor or manager of the place of the business erecting and maintaining the clock shall be permitted as advertising matter on such clock.
   (h)   Must Keep Accurate Time. Such clock shall keep accurate time, and if this condition is not complied with, the clock shall be promptly repaired or removed.
(Passed 9-16-57.)