§ 32.071 AMENDMENT.
   These bylaws may be revised at the annual meeting, providing that notice of the proposed revisions will have been made available to the general membership 30 days prior to the meeting.
   (B)   The affirmative vote or a simple majority of the patrons present will be required for the adoption of any amendment or revision.
(Ord. passed 3-3-2008)
   In the event that this organization should be dissolved for any purpose whatsoever, all assets of the Council, upon concurrence of tie Board of Directors, will be transferred to an activity or organization which perpetuates the arts.
(Ord. passed 3-3-2008)
   The Charter Board shall:
   (A)   Be composed of seven members elected by regular municipal election to a term of six years, as provided in W. Va. Code 8-3-9, such election to occur in the same manner as elective city officers;
   (B)   Notify the City Council of any vacancy in the membership of the Charter Board and the vacancy shall be filled temporarily by appointment by a majority action by the remaining members of the Charter Board, and a successor shall be elected at the next regular municipal election in the same manner as elective city officers, such successor to hold office for the remainder of the term;
   (C)   Not receive any salary for their services as Board Members, but may be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties which have the prior approval of the entire Board. Any such expenses which shall exceed $100, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court, shall be approved prior to said expense being incurred by the City Council;
   (D)   Select one of their members as a Chairperson and one of their members as Secretary, who shall keep accurate records of the proceedings of the Board at every meeting thereof;
   (E)   Fix a time and place for holding regular meetings, and unless changed by a unanimous vote of the Board, shall meet at least once every other month (six times per year). Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson or by at least two members upon written request to the Secretary. The Secretary shall send notice of any special meeting, including the time, date, meeting location, at least two days in advance of the special meeting; however, written notice shall not be required if said special meeting has been fixed at a regular meeting or if all members are in attendance at the special meeting;
   (F)   Not take any action unless authorized by a majority of the members at a properly constituted regular or special meeting. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum;
   (G)   Count the vote of each member thereof equally in all matters which come before the Board;
   (H)   File for public record with the Clerk of the City Council, minutes of all its meetings, within 60 days of the date such meeting was held; and
   (I)   Be authorized and empowered, within the limits of funds available thereof to employ assistants, technical personnel, consultants, and such other employees as are necessary to discharge its duties and responsibilities as hereafter set forth.
(Ord. passed 9-9-1998)
§ 32.086 DUTIES.
   This Board shall have power and authority within the jurisdictional limits of the city, and within the limits of W. Va. Code 8-3-9 to:
   (A)   Make a continuing study of the functioning of the city and the city government;
   (B)   By a two-thirds vote of its members not less than four years after such Charter shall have taken effect, require the submission to the qualified voters of the city of the question whether the Charter shall be revised as a whole, such submission to be in accordance with the pertinent provisions of W. Va. Code 8-4-1 et seq.;
   (C)   In the event that revision of the whole shall be voted pursuant to such submission, the Board as then constituted shall proceed to prepare a revision of the Charter under the pertinent provisions of W. Va. Code 8-4-1 et seq.; and
   (D)   During such term of six years, the Board as then constituted, by a two-thirds vote of its membership, at any time not less than one year after said Charter shall have taken effect, may require the submission of one or more proposed Charter amendments to the qualified voters of the city, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of W. Va. Code 8-4-1 et seq.
(Ord. passed 9-9-1998)
   At the next regularly schedule municipal election, the question of revision of the Charter as a whole shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the city. Said question shall read on the ballot, as required by W. Va. Code 8-4-7, as follows: “Shall the Charter be revised as a whole by representatives of the people?”
(Ord. passed 9-9-1998)