(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to use or practice any trick, confidence game, or device with intent to swindle or defraud.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to receive or cause to be furnished any food, lodgings, or other accommodations at any restaurant, hotel, or boarding house in the city with intent to defraud the owner or keeper of such hotel, restaurant, or boarding house of the purchase price of such food, lodgings, or other accommodations. Failure to make payment upon demand by the owner or employee of the hotel, restaurant, or boarding house shall be considered as prima facie evidence of intent to defraud.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or to place in any parking meter, coin box, telephone, or automatic vendor machine any slug or false, counterfeited, mutilated, or foreign coin with the intent to obtain therefrom services or merchandise or anything of value, or to obtain such services or merchandise from such parking meter, coin box, telephone, or automatic vendor machine by any means, method, trick, or device whatsoever not lawfully authorized by the owner, lessee, or licensee of such parking meter, coin box, telephone, or automatic vendor machine.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person without the consent or permission of the owner or lessee to enter into any hall, building, or enclosed premises in the city in which any fair, cattle show, exposition, exhibition, horse or other race, baseball game, picnic, or other show, entertainment, or exhibition of any kind whatever is being held, for admission to see which a charge is made.
(Prior Code, § 17-34) Penalty, see § 130.999