Concerts, so-called concerts, music and so-called music festivals, dances, and other such diversions which attract: crowds of noisy, boisterous, and disorderly persons; crowds of persons given to drunkenness or to the smoking of marijuana or the use of drugs or narcotics; crowds of persons in such numbers as to constitute a burden upon the resources of the city to accommodate or which impede the orderly flow of traffic upon the city streets or upon highways leading to or from the city; or crowds of persons for which adequate sanitary facilities or medical facilities or personnel or eating or sleeping facilities are not provided; and concerts, so-called concerts, music and so-called music festivals, dances, and other diversions which for any reason constitute a hazard to the peace and quiet of the city or to the health, safety, or welfare of the public or individuals, are hereby declared to be public nuisances and are prohibited within the city and within the area surrounding the city, which is within one mile of the city limits; and it shall be unlawful for any person to sponsor or conduct any such activity so prohibited or to sell or offer for sale any ticket or other token for admission thereto, or to provide real estate upon which any such prohibited activity is intended to be conducted.
(Prior Code, § 17-23) Penalty, see § 130.999