(A)   No person shall sell or offer for sale within the city any coal until it shall have been first weighed and measured upon a weighing or measuring device which has been inspected and sealed by the State Commissioner of Weights and Measures as provided by W. Va. Code Ch. 47, Art. 1.
   (B)   At the time such coal is delivered, the person selling or offering such coal for sale shall furnish and deliver to the purchaser a paper-writing evidencing the fact that the coal so sold or offered for sale has been weighed or measured upon a weighing or measuring device which has been inspected and sealed by the State Commissioner of Weights and Measures as provided by W. Va. Code Ch. 47, Art. 1. Such paper-writing shall state the weight or measure of the coal sold or offered for sale; the date when weighed or measured; the name of the seller; the name of the purchaser; and shall be certified as correct by the person owning or operating the weighing and measuring device or his or her duly authorized agent, servant, or employee.
(Prior Code, § 17-21)
Charter reference:
   Authority to provide for the weighing of coal or other articles, see Charter § 30
Statutory reference:
   As to penalty for short measurement, see W. Va. Code 47-1-22
   Authority to regulate weighing, see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(35)