22.01(A)   Time of disclosure. Except as prohibited by law or regulatory standards, each member of the City Commission or any City Advisory Board shall disclose the existence of any Business Relationship of which he or she is aware that he or she has, or has had within the prior 24- month period, with any Applicant or Interested Person, at the time that the Applicant or interested Person appears before the City Commission or City Advisory Board.
   22.01(B)   Disclosure subsequent to action taken. Except as prohibited by law or regulatory standards, if a member of the City Commission or any City Advisory Board learns, within 30 days after an action is taken by the City Commission or the City Advisory Board, that he or she had a Business Relationship with any Applicant or interested Person who appeared before the City Commission or the City Advisory Board, he or she shall disclose any such Business Relationship in writing to the City Clerk that was not disclosed at the initial meeting.
   22.01(C)   Establishment of Business Relationship after appearance. Except as prohibited by law or regulatory standards, if a member of the City Commission or any City Advisory Board establishes a Business Relationship with any Applicant or interested Person within 12 months after the Applicant or interested Person appears before the City Commission or the City Advisory Board, the member of the City Commission or the City Advisory Board shall disclose any such Business Relationship in writing to the City Clerk.
   22.01(D)   Abstention. F.S. § 286.012 prohibits a member of the City Commission or any City Advisory Board from abstaining from voting unless there is, or appears to be, a possible conflict of interest under Florida Statutes. In any situation where a member of the City Commission or a City Advisory Board discloses a Business Relationship under this Section, the member may abstain because of the appearance of a possible conflict of interest.
   22.01(E)   Failure to disclose. If any member of the City Commission or City Advisory Board believes that another member has willfully failed to make a disclosure required under this Section,he or she may submit evidence supporting the alleged failure to disclose to the City Manager who shall place the item on the next available City Commission Agenda. The allegation and supporting evidence shall be presented by the member of the City Commission or City Advisory Board who raised the issue for consideration by the City Commission. The member of the City Commission or City Advisory Board against whom the allegation is made may present evidence refuting the allegations. If three or more members of the City Commission determine that an accused City
Commissioner willfully failed to make a required disclosure, the accused City Commissioner shall be deemed to be censured. If three or more members of the City Commission determine that an accused member of a City Advisory Board has willfully failed to make a required disclosure, the accused board member shall be removed from the Advisory Board.
(Ord. 2010-09, passed 10-4-2010; Am. Ord. 2012-04, passed 2-21-2012; Am. Ord. 2015-22, passed 10-5-2015)
2016 S-20