20.02(A)   General Provisions.
   20.02(A)(1)   The issuance of proclamations and certificates of recognition is at the discretion of the Mayor, as the head of government, for all ceremonial purposes (Section 2.02, City Charter), subject to the objection process set forth below.
   20.02(A)(2)   No proclamations or certificates of recognition shall be issued except pursuant to the procedures set forth in this § 20.02.
   20.02(A)(3)   Proclamations and certificates of recognition shall make no commitment on behalf of the to perform any acts or provide any funding.
   20.02(A)(4)   No proclamation or certificate of recognition shall be given to any individual or organization, or relating to any event, that discriminates by reason of race, color, age, sex, gender identity, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or other legally protected class.
   20.02(B)   Criteria for Proclamations. Proclamations must meet one of the following criteria:
   20.02(B)(1)   Pertains to an organization existing, or an event occurring, within the of Weston or benefitting the ;
   20.02(B)(2)   Pertains to a government or governmental issue or governmental event at the local, state or federal levels; or
   20.02(B)(3)   Pertains to an individual who has resided or worked in Weston and/or made lasting contributions to the Weston community at large.
   20.02(C)    Criteria for Certificates of Recognition.  Certificates of recognition must meet one of the following criteria:
   20.02(C)(1)   Pertains to athletes who have had notable achievements in youth sports.
   20.02(C)(2)   Pertains to students who have had notable achievements in academics in primary or secondary school.
   20.02(C)(3)   Pertains to youth who have had other exemplary achievements.
   20.02(C)(4)   Meets the criteria for a proclamation, but the Mayor determines that a certificate of recognition would be more appropriate.
   20.02(D)   No issuance. Proclamations and certificates of recognition may not be issued for:
   20.02(D)(1)   Endorsing candidates for public or private office.
   20.02(D)(2)   Public or private ballot issues.
   20.02(E)   Request Procedures.
   20.02(E)(1)   Requests for proclamations or certificates of recognition may be made to any member of the , the , or the 's Director of Communications.
   20.02(E)(2)   Any request made to a member of the or shall immediately be forwarded to the Director of Communications.
   20.02(E)(3)   Requests must be made on the 's Recognition Request Form and should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the requested receipt date.
   20.02(E)(4)   The Recognition Request Form shall ask for, including other things, the following information:
   20.02(E)(4)(a)   Name of honoree(s). (A maximum of 25 persons for recognition can be accommodated at any one meeting).
   20.02(E)(4)(b)   Description of accomplishment or recognition desired.
   20.02(E)(4)(c)   Phone number and email of contact person and/or honoree.
   20.02(E)(4)(d)   Details including dates, history, organizations involved, etc.
   20.02(E)(4)(e)   If for a proclamation, four to six Whereas clauses explaining the basis for the proclamation.
   20.02(E)(4)(f)   Preference for proclamation or certificate of recognition to be mailed, picked up, or presented in person at an event or at a meeting.
   20.02(E)(4)(g)   Additional information may be required depending on the request.
   20.02(F)   Review process.
   20.02(F)(1)   The Director of Communications will conduct due diligence regarding the request for a proclamation or certificate of recognition, and verify all information provided.
   20.02(F)(2)   The Director of Communications will provide to the Mayor the completed Request Form and the results of the due diligence investigation.
   20.02(F)(3)   The Mayor shall advise the Director of Communications as to whether the proclamation or certificate of recognition should be issued.
   20.02(F)(4)   The Director of Communications shall provide notice to all members of the Commission of the Mayor's determination to issue or not issue a proclamation or certificate of recognition, at least five business days prior to issuance thereof.
   20.02(G)   Objections to issuance or non-issuance of proclamations or certificates of recognition.
   20.02(G)(1)   If any member of the Commission objects to the Mayor's determination to issue or not issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition, the proclamation or certificate of recognition will be temporarily suspended and not issued, and instead the objection shall be placed on the next available Commission agenda for determination by the Commission.
   20.02(G)(2)   The Commission may, by majority vote, override the Mayor's determination to issue or not issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition.
   20.02(G)(3)   If the Commission overrides, by majority vote, the Mayor's determination to issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition, then that proclamation or certificate of recognition shall not be issued. If the Commission does not, by majority vote, override the Mayor's determination to issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition, then that proclamation or certificate of recognition shall be issued and signed by the Mayor, at or before the next regularly scheduled City Commission meeting.
   20.02(G)(4)   If the Commission overrides the Mayor's determination not to issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition, then that proclamation or certificate of recognition shall be issued and signed by the Alternate Presiding Officer (or, if both the Mayor and Alternate Presiding Officer are unwilling to sign the proclamation or certificate of recognition, by the Second Alternate Presiding Officer), at or before the next regularly scheduled City Commission meeting. If the Commission does not, by majority vote, override the Mayor's determination not to issue a specific proclamation or certificate of recognition, then that proclamation or certificate of recognition shall not be issued.
(Am. Ord. 2023-03, passed 5-1-2023)