EDITOR’S NOTE: Source material for the Codified Ordinances of West Liberty was either ordinances or resolutions enacted by Council, or new matter ordained by the Adopting Ordinance. Sections of the Codified Ordinances without any history indicate that such sections contain new matter ordained by the Adopting Ordinance. In the following table, the disposition of all source material in the West Liberty Codified Ordinances is indicated.
Ord. No.   Date   C.O. Section
92    1-8-40    127.01
97    1-24-40    127.02
280    10-25-65    901.01
298    4-28-67    131.01
367    1-28-74    133.01
412    12-12-77   925.18
469    7-23-84    925.17
477    9-8-85    925.20
487    9-14-87    181.01 to 181.06
490    3-14-88    1311.01 to 1311.05
505    7-10-89    529.09
514    3-26-90   1321.01 to 1321.04, 1321.99
515    3-26-90    925.01 to 925.16
518    6-25-90    929.01 to 929.19, 929.99
Res.392    1-28-91    137.01
534    4-13-92   925.19
551    12-13-93   934.01 to 934.03, 934.05, 934.07 to 934.09
552    1-10-94   951.01 to 951.04
553    1-24-94   1101.01, 1101.02, 1105.01 to 1105.12, 1109.01 to 1109.10, 1113.01 to 1113.18, 1117.01 to 1117.12, 1121.01 to 1121.03, 1141.01 to 1141.09, 1145.01, 1145.02, 1149.01 to 1149.19, 1153.01 to 1153.16, 1157.01 to 1157.18, 1161.02
557    8-22-94    934.06
566    10-23-95   521.11
567    10-23-95   303.09
96-4    6-10-96   141.01 to 141.08
97-3    5-12-97    934.04
Adopting Ordinance   101.01 to 101.08, 101.99, 105.01 to 105.06, 111.01, 111.02, 123.01, 301.01 to 301.52, 303.01 to 303.083, 303.10, 303.99, 305.01 to 305.05, 311.01 to 311.03, 311.99, 313.01 to 313.11, 331.01 to 331.44, 331.99, 333.01 to 333.10, 333.99, 335.01 to 335.14, 335.99, 337.01 to 337.29, 337.99, 339.01 to 339.11, 341.01 to 341.06, 341.99, 351.01 to 351.20, 353.01 to 353.04, 371.01 to 371.11, 373.01 to 373.10, 375.01 to 375.07, 375.99, 501.01 to 501.12, 501.99, 505.01 to 505.15, 509.01 to 509.08, 513.01 to 513.13, 517.01 to 517.09, 521.01 to 521.10, 525.01 to 525.15, 529.01 to 529.08, 533.01 to 533.13, 537.01 to 537.18, 541.01 to 541.08, 545.01 to 545.20, 549.01 to 549.10, 553.01 to 553.03, 721.01 to 721.009, 721.99, 1511.01 to 1511.05, 1511.99, 1519.01 to 1519.05, 1519.99
Res.98-R4   3-9-98   125.01
99-1   1-11-99   335.03, 335.09, 335.99, 339.07, 341.02, 373.11, 509.06, 509.07, 513.01, 513.03, 513.04, 513.09, 513.10, 513.12, 525.01, 525.08, 525.09, 525.11, 529.07, 533.01, 533.06, 537.03, 537.10, 537.14, 537.15, 541.07, 545.05, 545.18
99-5   5-10-99   309.01 to 309.17, 309.99
99-10   11-8-99   951.01 to 951.05
99-13   12-13-99   331.35, 331.38, 331.031, 335.031, 335.07, 335.99, 351.04, 351.99, 375.01 to 375.08, 501.01, 501.05, 509.03, 537.03, 537.051, 537.10, 541.07, 545.01, 545.02, 545.05, 545.06, 545.08, 545.10, 545.14, 545.15, 545.18, 545.21, 549.10
00-1   1-24-00   141.01 to 141.08
00-4   2-14-00   131.01(d)
00-5   2-14-00   1511.06
00-14   11-27-00   131.01
01-01   1-22-01   303.082, 303.083, 333.01, 333.99, 335.09, 337.02, 337.18, 337.24, 337.30, 337.99, 339.03, 375.03, 501.04, 501.07, 501.09, 505.01, 505.14, 509.03, 509.05, 513.03, 513.05, 513.06, 513.08, 513.12, 525.03, 525.12, 529.07, 533.03, 533.06, 537.02, 537.051, 537.07, 533.01, 533.011, 1519.02, 1519.03
01-12   10-22-01   351.21
02-01   1-14-02   301.20, 335.08, 337.02, 337.27, 375.08, 501.06, 513.01, 513.12, 525.01, 525.02, 525.08, 525.15, 525.16, 529.07, 533.05, 537.03, 537.05, 537.051, 537.06, 537.16, 537.17, 537.18, 549.07, 1519.02, 1519.03
02-05   4-8-02   141.09
02-08   10-28-02   934.01 to 934.04, 934.99
03-05   4-28-03   951.01 to 951.05
03-14   7-14-03   123.02
03-15   9-22-03   1331.01 to 1331.15, 1331.99
03-16   10-27-03   925.01(f)(1), 934.04
04-04   2-9-04   934.01
04-06   3-22-04   925.01(m)
04-09   8-23-04   141.04
04-10   8-23-04   505.16
04-13   9-27-04   951.06
04-15   10-25-04   934.01
Res.2005-3   4-11-05   134.01
2005-13   6-27-05   934.99
2005-22   11-28-05   951.01 to 951.05
2006-06   7-24-06   134.02
2007-02   3-12-07   141.10
2007-12   10-22-07   339.12
Res.2007-10   11-13-07   107.01 to 107.05
2008-03   3-10-08   934.01
2008-09   9-22-08   934.05
2009-02   2-23-09   925.17
2010-03   3-22-10   934.01
2011-04   5-23-11   1331.01 to 1331.15, 1331.99
2011-05   7-25-11   331.45
Res.2011-03   5-9-11   134.01
Res.2011-04   5-9-11   134.01
Res.2011-08   9-12-11   134.03
2012-02   2-27-12   951.01 to 951.06
2013-04   4-22-13   183.01 to 183.17, 183.99
2015-02   3-9-15   934.05
2015-09   8-10-15   951.01 to 951.10
2015-11   9-14-15   905.01, 905.02
2015-13   10-12-15   909.01, 909.99
2015-14   10-12-15   1351.01, 1351.02
2015-15   10-12-15   1341.01 to 1341.03
2015-16   1-11-16   934.01
2015-17   12-14-15   193.01 to 193.21, 193.97, 193.98, 193.99
2016-02   1-25-16   951.06
2016-04   2-22-16   951.01 to 951.10
2017-08   9-11-17   1101.02, 1105.01, 1105.03 to 1105.07, 1105.09, 1105.10, 1105.12, 1113.01, 1113.02, 1113.06, 1113.07, 1113.09, 1113.10, 1113.12, 1113.14, 1113.18, 1117.04, 1149.11, 1149.18, 1153.11, 1153.16, 1157.03, 1157.18
2017-09   12-11-17   951.01, 951.03 to 951.05; repeals 951.02
2019-09   4-8-19   951.06
2020-07   5-11-20   951.06
2020-08   5-11-20   951.01
2020-11   5-11-20   951.01
2020-12   9-28-20   509.09, 509.10
2020-13   9-14-20   351.20
2020-15   10-12-20   909.01 to 909.07
2020-16   11-10-20   957.01
2020-17   11-10-20   505.15
2020-18   11-10-20   721.02
2021-02   3-22-21   351.22
2021-03   5-24-21   351.23
2021-11   6-18-21   351.03
2021-12   8-9-21   Repeals 529.09
2021-17   9-8-21   1171.01, 1173.01
      to 1173.06,
      1175.01 to
      1175.25, 1177.01
      to 1177.28,
      1181.01 to
      1191.01, 1193.01
2021-20   2-14-22   913.01 to 913.07
2021-21   2-14-22   1157.01 to 1157.26, 1157.99
2022-02   2-14-22   1101.02(51.5), 1149.20
2022-026   3-14-22   934.01
2022-03   2-14-22   143.01 to 143.10
2022-08   4-11-22   1165.01 to 1165.08
2022-09   3-28-22   141.11
2022-14   9-26-22   1307.01 to 1307.06
2022-15   9-26-22   303.09
Passed by   11-28-22   141.03, 141.05,
Council          141.07
2023-02   2-27-23   934.01
2023-09   5-8-23      123.01
2023-11   8-23-23   909.01 to 909.07
2023-12   8-28-23   301.03, 315.01 to 315.07, 315.99
2023-13   9-11-23   141.12
2023-14   9-11-23   1311.01 to 1311.06
2024-01   2-26-24   934.01
2024-12   11-11-24   951.01
2024-13   8-26-24   513.16
2024-14   11-25-24   193.03, 193.062,
      193.094, 193.10,