No owner, operator or resident agent of any premises shall maintain or permit to be maintained at or on the exterior property areas of such premises any condition which deteriorates or debases the appearance of the neighborhood, reduces property values in the neighborhood, adversely alters the appearance and general character of the neighborhood, creates a fire, safety or health hazard or which is a public nuisance. Such conditions include but are not limited to the following:
   (a)   Broken or dilapidated fences, walls or other structures.
   (b)   Out of use or nonusable appliances, machinery and equipment.
   (c)   Rugs, rags or other materials hung on lines or in other places on the premises, which materials are not being used for general housekeeping purposes.
   (d)   Broken, dilapidated or unusable furniture, mattresses, or other furniture, broken glass, plastic, material paints, miscellaneous covering and/or any other materials including those described in this section, placed at or on the premises in such a manner as to be patently unsightly, grotesque or offensive to the senses.
   (e)   No building material or materials, earth, sand or dirt intended for use in landscaping, gardening or construction and except as permitted herein, shall be left standing open or covered upon any premises for a period of time not to exceed one month without specific written authorization from the Mayor or other designated officials.
   (f)   Drainage Swales. Swales are to be maintained by the owner of the parcels on which they are located, and at no time will anyone plant shrubs, and/or trees, or discharge, empty or place any material, fill or waste into any swale so as to divert or impede drainage flow. Small swales can be mowed as part of the yard. Larger swales in meadow situations should be mowed less frequently in order to allow grasses to grow taller to retard runoff and prevent erosion. Swales in woodland areas should be left in their natural condition, leaving the understory to retard runoff and prevent erosion.
      (Ord. 2011-04. Passed 5-23-11.)