(a)   All individuals, including owners, tenants and occupants of residences and businesses shall be subscribers to the Municipal garbage and refuse collection service under control of the Street Superintendent and shall have their garbage and refuse ready for collection no later than 8:00 a.m. on the date noted by the Street Superintendent for collection of garbage and refuse.
   (b)   No firm or corporation other than the Street Superintendent or authorized agent who holds a lawful contract with this Municipality shall collect, remove or transport garbage or refuse from single family residences within the Municipality.
   (c)   The Street Superintendent shall provide for the collection of garbage and refuse from residences within the Municipality on at least a weekly basis. The Street Superintendent is authorized and directed to make such rules and regulations relative to the collection, disposal and handling of garbage and refuse as may be necessary.
(Ord. 2004-13. Passed 9-27-04.)