(a)   Trash is picked up Tuesday or Friday, depending on the customer’s address.
   (b)   Yard waste and brush is picked up each Wednesday, weather permitting, for the entire Village. If, due to weather conditions, yard waste and brush cannot be picked up on Wednesday, pick up will be on Thursday.
   (c)   Collection of trash, yard waste, and brush will begin at 7:00 a.m. on the applicable designated day. To insure pick up customers must have all items set for pick up no later than 7:00 a.m. The collection time for any particular customer may vary from week to week, and the Village will only attempt collection one time per customer. Customers who set items for pick up after 7:00 a.m. assume the risk of missing the Village’s collection attempt, in which case such items will not be picked up until the following week. Customers who miss a collection attempt remain subject to the applicable standard quantity limitations the following week.
(Ord. 2016-04. Passed 2-22-16.)