Utility bills are payable on or before the “DUE DATE” printed on the bill. Bills are mailed on the last day of each month. If a bill is not paid in full by 15th day of the following month the account will be delinquent and late penalty will be charged. If a bill is not paid in full by the 30th day of the following month service for the account will be terminated. Partial payments on a bill may be made, but shall not preclude the assessment of the late penalty or termination of service if the bill is not paid in full by the applicable dates. All payments must be made to the Village Clerk’s Office as directed on the bill. Utility department personnel cannot accept payments. Any costs to terminate and reactivate service will be added to delinquent charges and must be paid in full before service is reactivated.
(Ord. 2015-02. Passed 3-9-15.)