(a)   A backflow protection and relief device shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Superintendent, it is necessary for the prevention of damage caused by sanitary sewer flooding.
   (b)   When the Superintendent determines that a backflow protection and relief device is necessary, the Board will give notice to the owner to install a device approved by the Superintendent. No later than 120 days after receipt of such notice, the owner shall, at its own expense, install and maintain such device at a location and in a manner approved by the Superintendent and shall have inspections and test made of such devices as required by the Superintendent.
   (c)   This section shall not be construed to create, in general or with respect to any particular owner of property, any obligation for the Superintendent to inspect a property or advise any owner with respect to backflow protection, or obligation or responsibility for the Superintendent to require installation of a backflow protection and relief device; nor shall it be construed to create liability on the Village or relieve any owner of liability for damage caused by, sanitary sewer flooding.
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 2-23-09.)