Customers who use large amounts of water for lawn sprinkling, air conditioning, washing cars, etc., may realize some savings in sewer charges by having a separate meter installed to measure this water usage. Since sanitary sewer service charges are based upon the amount of water consumed, water used for the above purposes does not terminate in the sanitary sewer system and, therefore, no sanitary sewer service charge will be rendered on this separate use of water. The special water meter must be installed in a separate meter pit with separate plumbing to a yard hydrant and no connection to the building. The customer must bear the full cost of such a meter installation. The meter must be purchased from the Village. The Village reserves the right to remove such water meter from any premises and substitute another in its place for purposes of testing or repairing. The Board of Public Affairs shall have the authority to waive the application of this section.
(Ord. 515. Passed 3-26-90.)