(a)   Water service charges will be billed for any lot, parcel of land, building, enterprise, residence or premises provided an active water service connection or withdrawing water from the Village water system. Owners of property shall be held responsible for water used on their premises but, statements may be mailed to another designated person or entity, such as a tenant or agency. If the designated person or entity does not pay in accordance with the “Rules and Regulations”, the owner shall be responsible for payment. Account delinquency shall be just cause for terminating services which will be resumed only upon full payment of delinquent charges. Responsibility of payment of delinquent charges to the property rests with the current property owner. It is the responsibility of the prospective property owner to inquire of possible delinquent charges which may be assumed upon ownership. This information will be given upon request of the Village.
   (b)   Water service charges will be based upon readings taken from meters installed in accordance with the Village specifications, or in such manner and by such method as may be practicable in the light of the conditions and attendant circumstances of the case, as determined by the Village.
   (c)   Water meters shall normally be read every month. In the event the meter is not read, the average of the preceding quarter shall be used in determining the monthly user charge. The bill for the month following reading of the water meter shall include an adjustment for the quarter.
   (d)   Bills are payable on or before the “due date” printed on the bill. Partial payments are acceptable, but any amount not paid by the due date shall be considered delinquent and subject to a “late payment penalty”. Utility bills are sent out on the last date of each month. They may be paid without penalty within fifteen days. After fifteen days, bills will be considered delinquent and a late penalty will be charged. When an account becomes thirty days delinquent, service will be discontinued until payment in full. The customer service worker can not accept payment for delinquent bills. Any costs to terminate and reactivate water service will be added to the delinquent charges.
   (e)   It may become necessary from time to time to estimate water usage. If so, the bill will be marked “estimate”. The customer will have fifteen working days from issuance to contest an estimated bill.
   (f)   A deposit to equal a minimum two month billing shall be required of all new customers and new connections or any customer having service disconnected for nonpayment of bill if that customer has not previously paid the amount of deposit now in effect.
   (g)   Should the Village be unable to render monthly bills because of labor shortage or some other deficiency, the bill may be rendered for a shorter or longer period but at the same monthly rate. When water has been turned off for any violation of the “Rules and Regulations”, or failure to pay charges, the owner or occupant of such premises shall pay a fee for turning the water off and on.
(Ord. 515. Passed 3-26-90.)