(a)   Effective January 1, 2024 the Village Clerk/Treasurer position shall become an appointed position by the Mayor and approved by majority vote of the Village legislative authority, consistent with the provisions of Ohio R.C. 733.262.
   (b)   Upon passage of the Ordinance, the Clerk/Treasurer is hereby directed to immediately file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Logan County Board of Elections.
   (c)   Upon this Ordinance becoming effective, the Village Fiscal Officer, as appointed, shall perform the duties provided by law for the Village Clerk and Village Treasurer and any other duties consistent with the nature of the office of Village Clerk and or Village Treasurer.
   (d)   An employment contract between the Village and the Fiscal Officer shall include provisions completed and signed by both parties; and be reviewed yearly.
(Ord. 2023-09. Passed 5-8-23.)