Modifications to development plans pursuant to Section 1220.05 shall incorporate the following performance standards:
(Ord. 2024-23. Passed 6-6-24.)
   (a)   Modifications to setbacks, height, parking spaces or lot coverage shall not increase the overall amount of building square footage or intensity of use that could otherwise be developed on a parcel.
   (b)   Modifications shall not be made which would permit a greater density of multifamily units or permit multifamily units in an area not zoned for such use.
   (c)   Modifications for dimensional standards in the Zoning Code should be designed to provide better utilization of the land and offset by greater standards in other areas of the Zoning Code.
   (d)   Modifications may be considered due to unique conditions of the parcel, building, design, parcel size, parcel location, topography, adjacent uses of proposed use of the parcel.
   (e)   Modifications shall be designed to protect the desirable characteristics of both existing and planned development as adjacent properties.
   (f)   Modifications shall promote the desirable and beneficial use of the land and promote the economic development of the City.
   (g)   Modification shall maintain convenient and safe access to properties and buildings.
   (h)   Modifications shall promote greater effective open space buffering and landscaping by careful location of buildings relative to adjacent buildings or site features.
      (Ord. 1988-64. Passed 6-16-88.)