(a)   In General. Development plans for each phase of the development shall be prepared and submitted for approval for all uses proposed in a Health Campus District in accordance with the regulations provided in Chapter 1220 .
   (b)   Master Plan. If the health campus involves more than one phase of development, prior to development and submission of development plans, as specified in Chapter 1220 , a master plan at a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet for the health care campus shall be presented and submitted to the Planning Commission. The plan shall conform to the criteria set forth in this and other chapters and shall include at least the following:
      (1)   Designation of land use by phase, including:
         A.   Location of the phases;
         B.   The range of uses or services in each phase;
         C.   The general design and development criteria for each phase;
      (2)   Design criteria for the overall site, including a landscaping and open space plan;
      (3)   An overall circulation access and traffic control plan;
      (4)   An overall utilities and services concept plan;
      (5)   An environmental assessment for each phase of the proposed level of development;
      (6)   Definitions of land use terms such as General Hospital, Emergency Care Facilities, etc.
   The City departments receiving such plans shall review the master plan and report their findings to the Planning Commission which shall send a report of its action and one set of the master plan to the developer and to Council for its consideration and approval. The approved master plan shall be reviewed by Council at least every five years.
   (c)   Preliminary Development Plans. Following approval of the master plan, or if there is only one phase of development, fourteen prints of preliminary development plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning, who shall deliver one set each of the prints to the Director of Inspections, Director of Engineering, Police Chief, Fire Chief and six sets to the Planning Commission. The preliminary development plans shall contain the information required for the master plan, modified and more detailed if necessary, and the following:
      (1)   Property lines and dimensions of the parcels proposed for development and the location of existing main buildings on adjacent lots and lots across the streets bounding the property to be developed;
      (2)   Proposed main and accessory buildings with plans, location, height, use and designation of use (lot) clusters which will include criteria for lot area, width, yard, height and other requirements if different than those set forth in Sections 1219.06 to 1219.09;
      (3)   The size, location and nature of proposed signs; and
      (4)   Other plans deemed necessary to fully describe the development.
   (d)   Review of the Preliminary Plan.
      (1)   Director of Engineering. The Director of Engineering shall review all preliminary development plans for the development of a Health Campus District relative to location and construction of sanitary sewers, storm drains and all other utilities, improvements of parking and loading areas, drives and walks and all other site improvements, including grading and drainage, that normally are under the jurisdiction of City officials, and report to the Planning Commission with his recommendations.
      (2)   Police and Fire Chief. The Police and Fire Chiefs shall review all preliminary development plans relative to the proposed system of circulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and plans for traffic control, including emergency and public safety vehicles, width of drives, location and width of walks, the arrangement, number and size of proposed parking and loading spaces and the location and type of proposed outdoor lighting installations and external fire protection devices. The Police and Fire Chiefs shall report to the Planning Commission with their recommendations.
      (3)   Planning Commission.
         A.   The Director of Planning shall review such preliminary development plans to determine if they are in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The Commission shall review the criteria for buildings, uses and lots and determine if the proposed lots or use (lot) clusters are appropriate. The Commission may relax or restrict certain of the requirements if it finds that amenities such as privacy, light and openness can thereby be improved through adaption to topographic conditions and for skillful design in the arrangement of buildings and uses, landscaping, driveways, parking areas or other site features. However, the Commission may require wider yards and additional fences and planting to improve the site plan and to protect adjoining development.
         B.   A report of the action by the Planning Commission and one set of the preliminary development plans shall be sent to the developer and to Council for action.
         C.   Approval by the Planning Commission and Council shall constitute permission to the developer to prepare and submit final plans for each stage of development according to Chapter 1220.
   (e)   Concurrent Submittal of Plans. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit the concurrent submittal and approval of the master plan and the phase I preliminary development plans.
(Ord. 1988-71. Passed 6-16-88.)