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Westlake Overview
Codified Ordinances of Westlake, OH
   (a)   No person, without privilege to do so and with purpose to prevent, obstruct or delay the performance by a public official of any authorized act within the public official’s official capacity, shall do any act that hampers or impedes a public official in the performance of the public official’s lawful duties.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of obstructing official business. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (b), obstructing official business is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If a violation of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, obstructing official business is a felony and shall be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2921.31)
   (a)   No person, with purpose to hinder the discovery, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of another for a misdemeanor, or to assist another to benefit from the commission of a misdemeanor, and no person, with purpose to hinder the discovery, apprehension, prosecution, adjudication as a delinquent child, or disposition of a child for an act that if committed by an adult would be a misdemeanor or to assist a child to benefit from the commission of an act that if committed by an adult would be a misdemeanor, shall do any of the following:
      (1)   Harbor or conceal the other person or child;
      (2)   Provide the other person or child with money, transportation, a weapon, a disguise, or other means of avoiding discovery or apprehension;
      (3)   Warn the other person or child of impending discovery or apprehension;
      (4)   Destroy or conceal physical evidence of the misdemeanor, or act, or induce any person to withhold testimony or information or to elude legal process summoning the person to testify or supply evidence;
      (5)   Communicate false information to any person.
      (6)   Prevent or obstruct any person, by means of force, intimidation, or deception, from performing any act to aid in the discovery, apprehension, or prosecution of the other person or child.
   (b)   A person may be prosecuted for, and may be convicted of or adjudicated a delinquent child for committing, a violation of subsection (a) hereof, regardless of whether the person or child aided ultimately is apprehended for, is charged with, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing the crime or act the person or child aided committed. The crime or act the person or child aided committed shall be used under subsection (c) hereof in determining the penalty for the violation of subsection (a) hereof, regardless of whether the person or child aided ultimately is apprehended for, is charged with, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing the crime or act the person or child aided committed.
   (c)   (1)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of obstructing justice.
      (2)   If the crime committed by the person aided is a misdemeanor or if the act committed by the child aided would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, obstructing justice is a misdemeanor of the same degree as the misdemeanor committed by the person aided or a misdemeanor of the same degree that the act committed by the child aided would be if committed by an adult.
   (d)   As used in this section:
      (1)   “Adult” and “child” have the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 2151.011.
      (2)   “Delinquent child” has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 2152.02.
         (ORC 2921.32)
   (a)   No person, recklessly or by force, shall resist or interfere with a lawful arrest of the person or another.
   (b)   No person, recklessly or by force, shall resist or interfere with a lawful arrest of the person or another person and, during the course of or as a result of the resistance or interference, cause physical harm to a law enforcement officer.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of resisting arrest. A violation of subsection (a) hereof is a misdemeanor of the second degree. A violation of subsection (b) hereof is a misdemeanor of the first degree. (ORC 2921.33)
   (a)   No public official shall knowingly do any of the following:
      (1)   During the public official’s term of office or within one year thereafter, occupy any position of profit in the prosecution of a public contract authorized by the public official or by a legislative body, commission or board of which the public official was a member at the time of authorization unless the contract was let by competitive bidding, to the lowest and best bidder;
      (2)   Have an interest in the profits or benefits of a public contract entered into by or for the use of the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality with which the public official is connected;
      (3)   Have an interest in the profits or benefits of a public contract that is not let by competitive bidding if required by law, and that involves more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
   (b)   In the absence of bribery or a purpose to defraud, a public official, member of a public official’s family or any of a public official’s business associates shall not be considered as having an interest in a public contract if all of the following apply:
      (1)   The interest of that person is limited to owning or controlling shares of the corporation, or being a creditor of the corporation or other organization that is the contractor on the public contract involved, or that is the issuer of the security in which public funds are invested;
      (2)   The shares owned or controlled by that person do not exceed five percent (5%) of the outstanding shares of the corporation, and the amount due that person as creditor does not exceed five percent (5%) of the total indebtedness of the corporation or other organization;
      (3)   That person, prior to the time the public contract is entered into, files with the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality involved, an affidavit giving that person’s exact status in connection with the corporation or other organization.
   (c)   This section does not apply to a public contract in which a public official, member of a public official’s family, or one of a public official’s business associates, has an interest, when all of the following apply:
      (1)   The subject of the public contract is necessary supplies or services for the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality involved;
      (2)   The supplies or services are unobtainable elsewhere for the same or lower cost, or are being furnished to the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality as part of a continuing course of dealing established prior to the public official's becoming associated with the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality involved;
      (3)   The treatment accorded the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality is either preferential to or the same as that accorded other customers or clients in similar transactions;
      (4)   The entire transaction is conducted at arm's length, with full knowledge by the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality involved, of the interest of the public official, member of the public official’s family or business associate, and the public official takes no part in the deliberations or decisions of the Municipality or governmental agency or instrumentality with respect to the public contract.
   (d)   Subsection (a)(4) does not prohibit participation by a public employee in any housing program funded by public moneys if the public employee otherwise qualifies for the program and does not use the authority or influence of the public employee’s office or employment to secure benefits from the program and if the moneys are to be used on the primary residence of the public employee. Such participation does not constitute an unlawful interest in a public contract in violation of this section.
   (e)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of having an unlawful interest in a public contract. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
   (f)   It is not a violation of this section for a prosecuting attorney to appoint assistants and employees in accordance with Ohio R.C. 309.06 and 2921.421, or for a chief legal officer of a municipal corporation or an official designated as prosecutor in a municipal corporation to appoint assistants and employees in accordance with Ohio R.C. 733.621 and 2921.421.
   (g)   Any public contract in which a public official, a member of the public official’s family, or any of the public official’s business associates has an interest in violation of this section is void and unenforceable. Any contract securing the investment of public funds in which a public official, a member of the public official’s family, or any of the public official’s business associates has an interest, is an underwriter, or receives any brokerage, origination, or servicing fees and that was entered into in violation of this section is void and unenforceable.
   (h)   As used in this section:
      (1)   "Public contract" means any of the following:
         A.   The purchase or acquisition, or a contract for the purchase or acquisition of property or services by or for the use of the State, any of its political subdivisions, or any agency or instrumentality of either, including the employment of an individual by the State, any of its political subdivisions, or any agency or instrumentality of either.
         B.   A contract for the design, construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of any public property.
      (2)   "Chief legal officer" has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 733.621. (ORC 2921.42)
   (a)   No public servant shall knowingly solicit or accept and no person shall knowingly promise or give to a public servant either of the following:
      (1)   Any compensation, other than is allowed by Ohio R.C. 102.03(G), (H), and (I) or other provisions of law, to perform the public servant’s official duties, to perform any other act or service in the public servant's public capacity, for the general performance of the duties of the public servant's public office or public employment, or as a supplement to the public servant's public compensation;
      (2)   Additional or greater fees or costs than are allowed by law to perform the public servant’s official duties.
   (b)   No public servant for the public servant’s own personal or business use and no person for the person’s own personal or business use or for the personal or business use of a public servant or party official, shall solicit or accept anything of value in consideration of either of the following:
      (1)   Appointing or securing, maintaining or renewing the appointment of any person to any public office, employment or agency;
      (2)   Preferring, or maintaining the status of, any public employee with respect to compensation, duties, placement, location, promotion or other material aspects of employment.
   (c)   No person for the benefit of a political party, campaign committee, legislative campaign fund, or political action committee shall coerce any contribution in consideration of either of the following:
      (1)   Appointing or securing, maintaining or renewing the appointment of any person to any public office, employment or agency;
      (2)   Preferring, or maintaining the status of, any public employee with respect to compensation, duties, placement, location, promotion or other material aspects of employment.
   (d)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of soliciting improper compensation, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
   (e)   A public servant who is convicted of a violation of this section is disqualified from holding any public office, employment or position of trust in this Municipality for a period of seven years from the date of conviction.
   (f)   Subsections (a), (b) and (c) hereof do not prohibit a person from making voluntary contributions to a political party, campaign committee, legislative campaign fund, or political action committee or prohibit a political party, campaign committee, legislative campaign fund, or political action committee from accepting voluntary contributions. (ORC 2921.43)
   (a)   No law enforcement officer shall negligently do any of the following:
      (1)   Fail to serve a lawful warrant without delay;
      (2)   Fail to prevent or halt the commission of an offense or to apprehend an offender, when it is in the law enforcement officer’s power to do so alone or with available assistance.
   (b)   No law enforcement, ministerial or judicial officer shall negligently fail to perform a lawful duty in a criminal case or proceeding.
   (c)   No officer, having charge of a detention facility, shall negligently do any of the following:
      (1)   Allow the detention facility to become littered or unsanitary;
      (2)   Fail to provide persons confined in the detention facility with adequate food, clothing, bedding, shelter and medical attention;
      (3)   Fail to control an unruly prisoner, or to prevent intimidation of or physical harm to a prisoner by another;
      (4)   Allow a prisoner to escape;
      (5)   Fail to observe any lawful and reasonable regulation for the management of the detention facility.
   (d)   No public official of the Municipality shall recklessly create a deficiency, incur a liability or expend a greater sum than is appropriated by the legislative authority of the Municipality for the use in any one year of the department, agency or institution with which the public official is connected.
   (e)   No public servant shall recklessly fail to perform a duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the public servant’s office, or recklessly do any act expressly forbidden by law with respect to the public servant’s office.
   (f)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of dereliction of duty, a misdemeanor of the second degree.
   (g)   As used in this section, “public servant” includes an officer or employee of a contractor as defined in Ohio R.C. 9.08.
   (a)    No public servant, under color of the public servant’s office, employment, or authority, shall knowingly deprive, or conspire or attempt to deprive any person of a constitutional or statutory right.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of interfering with civil rights, a misdemeanor of the first degree. (ORC 2921.45)
   (a)   No person who is not entitled to do so shall knowingly display on a motor vehicle the emblem of a law enforcement agency or an organization of law enforcement officers.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of the unlawful display of the emblem of a law enforcement agency or an organization of law enforcement officers, a minor misdemeanor.
(ORC 2913.441)
   (a)   When a police officer has reasonable cause to believe that the behavior of an individual warrants further investigation for criminal activity, the officer may stop and question such person.
   (b)   When a police officer has stopped a person for questioning pursuant to subsection (a) hereof and has reasonable cause to believe there is danger to himself or others, he may conduct a limited search of that person for dangerous weapons. The police officer may take and keep such weapon or any other object, the possession of which may constitute a crime, until he has completed the questioning, at which time he shall either return such property so taken, if lawfully possessed, or arrest such person and dispose of such property according to law.
   (c)   In enforcing subsections (a) and (b) hereof, the Police Department and the individual police officer shall take special care not only to honor the rights of citizens as defined in the Constitution of the United States but also to safeguard the personal dignity of all those affected by it. (Ord. 1969-27. Passed 2-6-69.)
   (a)   No person who is under arrest or under investigation for any criminal, traffic or juvenile offense shall knowingly misidentify himself or represent himself to be another person, whether real or fictitious, to a public official.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.
(Ord. 1991-149. Passed 9-19-91.)