(a) No person shall dye or otherwise color any rabbit or baby poultry, including, but not limited to, chicks and ducklings. No person shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle or give away any rabbit or poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored. No poultry younger than four weeks of age may be sold, given away or otherwise distributed to any person in lots of less than three. Stores, shops, vendors and others offering young poultry for sale or other distribution shall provide and operate brooders or other heating devices that may be necessary to maintain poultry in good health, and shall keep adequate food and water available to the poultry at all times.
(ORC 925.62)
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) The owner or keeper of any member of a species of the animal kingdom that escapes from his custody or control and that is not indigenous to this State or presents a risk of serious physical harm to persons or property, or both, shall, within one hour after he discovers or reasonably should have discovered the escape, report it to:
(1) A law enforcement officer of the Municipality and the sheriff of the county where the escape occurred; and
(2) The Clerk of the Municipal Legislative Authority.
(b) If the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Authority is closed to the public at the time a report is required by subsection (a) hereof, then it is sufficient compliance with subsection (a) hereof if the owner or keeper makes the report within one hour after the office is next open to the public.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 2927.21)
(a) Except when a dangerous dog is lawfully engaged in hunting or training for the purpose of hunting and is accompanied by the owner, keeper, harborer, or handler of the dog, no owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do either of the following:
(1) While that dog is on the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer, securely confine it at all times in a building, in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard or other locked enclosure that has a top;
(2) While that dog is off the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer, keep that dog on a chain-link leash or tether that is not more than six feet in length and additionally do at least one of the following:
A. Keep that dog in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard or other locked enclosure that has a top;
B. Have the leash or tether controlled by a person who is of suitable age and discretion or securely attach, tie or affix the leash or tether to the ground or stationary object or fixture so that the dog is adequately restrained and station such a person in close enough proximity to that dog so as to prevent it from causing injury to any person;
C. Muzzle that dog.
(b) No owner, keeper or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do the following:
(1) Obtain liability insurance with an insurer authorized to write liability insurance in this State providing coverage in each occurrence because of damage or bodily injury to or death of a person caused by the dangerous dog if so ordered by a court and provide proof of that liability insurance upon request to any law enforcement officer, County Dog Warden, or public health official charged with enforcing this section;
(2) Obtain a dangerous dog registration certificate from the County Auditor pursuant to Ohio R.C. 955.22(I), affix a tag that identifies the dog as a dangerous dog to the dog’s collar, and ensure that the dog wears the collar and tag at all times;
(3) Notify the local Dog Warden immediately if any of the following occurs:
A. The dog is loose or unconfined.
B. The dog bites a person, unless the dog is on the property of the owner of the dog, and the person who is bitten is unlawfully trespassing or committing a criminal act within the boundaries of that property.
C. The dog attacks another animal while the dog is off the property of the owner of the dog.
(4) If the dog is sold, given to another person, or dies, notify the County Auditor within ten days of the sale, transfer or death.
(ORC 955.22)
(c) Whoever violates subsection (a) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on a first offense and of a misdemeanor of the third degree on each subsequent offense. Additionally, the court may order the offender to personally supervise the dangerous dog that the offender owns, keeps or harbors, to cause that dog to complete dog obedience training, or to do both, and the court may order the offender to obtain liability insurance pursuant to subsection (b) hereof. The court, in the alternative, may order the dangerous dog to be humanely destroyed by a licensed veterinarian, the Dog Warden or the humane society at the owner’s expense.
(d) (1) Whoever violates subsection (b)(2) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(2) Whoever violates subsections (b)(1), (3) or (4) hereof is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. (ORC 955.99)
The owner, keeper or harborer of any animal which damages or destroys public or private property shall be held liable for the full value of the property damaged or destroyed in addition to the penalty imposed for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1972-116. Passed 7-6-72.)
(a) It is hereby declared a nuisance for any person to keep or harbor bees which cause damage to the person or property of others.
(b) Upon complaint being made, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to notify the owner or keeper of the bees to abate the nuisance and to remove the hives or other contrivances where the bees are kept or harbored within ten days after being notified thereof.
(c) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.