680.01 Definitions.
680.02 Standards for cutting and destroying weeds.
680.03 Notice to cut and destroy; noncompliance; penalty.
680.04 Noncompliance; equitable remedy.
680.05 Declaration of nuisance.
680.06 Planting permit required.
680.07 Trimming trees and shrubs.
680.08 Billposting on trees.
680.09 Obstruction of driveway view.
Destruction of noxious weeds in cemeteries - see Ohio R.C. 517.06
Destruction of weeds on private property - see Ohio R.C. 731.51
Cutting of noxious weeds along partition fences - see Ohio R.C. 971.33 et seq.
Nuisances - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3767
Destruction of noxious weeds by railroads - see Ohio R.C. 4959.11
Failure or neglect to cut weeds - see Ohio R.C. 5589.11
Injuring vines, bushes, trees or crops - see GEN. OFF. 642.04
Plantings in front yards on corner lots - see P. & Z. 1272.07